How to edit PDF properties with command line

If you want to edit PDF properties with the command line application, please choose VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Command Line which is able to edit different kinds of parameters for PDF document like page view settings, openaction, metadata contents, image compression, etc.

This article aims at showing how to edit PDF property with this application and please download the application for free via clicking the following button.

free download VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Command Line

There is no need of any installation steps. You just need to unzip the ZIP file to some location of your computer and the executable file pdftools.exe is the called program in the unzipped file package. For the application is a MS-DOS oriented one, please open MS-DOS interface before inputting commands into it.

If you don’t know how to use VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Command Line, please read the .txt document readme.txt in the file package. When you write your commands, please refer to the following template:

pdftools [options]

The options for editing PDF properties are as follows:

-t [Title]           : Set title, Example: -t "This is title."
-a [Author]          : Set author, Example: -a "This is author."
-s [Subject]         : Set subject, Example: -s "This is subject."
-k [Keywords]        : Set keywords, Example: -k "My keywords."
-d [CreatedDate]     : Set create date.
-m [ModifyDate]      : Set modify date.
-c [Creator]         : Set creator.
-p [Producer]        : Set producer.

For getting more information, please browse readme.txt document. Then please see the related command examples below:

pdftools -i c:\input.pdf -o c:\out.pdf -t title -s subject
pdftools -i c:\input.pdf -t title -a author -k "123,456" -d "2003-11-11"
pdftools -i c:\input.pdf -k "+PDF Tools"
pdftools -i c:\pdfdir\*.pdf -o d:\ -s subject -k "book,rtf,doc,text,pdf"

The first three examples are for editing properties for single PDF document and the last example is for editing properties for batch PDF documents. This application supports wildcard “*” in batch process and it can help you edit PDF properties fast for a batch of documents at one time.

So if this application is the real tool that you need, please free download VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Command Line and have a try of it. In addition, you can visit the homepage of it to get more useful information about it.

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