How to replace text in PDF file with other texts/images according to positions

The smart tool VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer allows you to replace text in PDF file with other texts/images according to positions.

PDF (Portable Document Format) can be read on mobile devices, PCs and Macs with different operating systems, thus it’s widely used across the word. PDF files may contain a mixture of texts and images. When you want to replace some texts in the PDF file, it’s time-consuming to find and replace the texts one by one.

In this case, why not have a try of VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer which is designed for replacing text of PDF. It can not only replace specified text in specified position of specified page, but also can replace all found texts in one or more PDF files with text or images.

Free download VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer and install it to your computer.

Just by following the steps below, you can successfully replace the existing texts in a PDF file with other texts/images.

Step 1. Add PDF

Launch this software and add the PDF file that contains the text that you want to replace. Click once on the button Add below the file list and choose PDF from the opened file picker window. Please see it in the following snapshot.

replace text in PDF with VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer

Step 2. Select texts and replacing mode

Please click the According to Positions tab and then click button Settings to open the corresponding “Setting” interface. After that, please drag the mouse across and select the text you want to replace within the PDF file by clicking once at the beginning of the selection and dragging to the end while holding down the mouse button. This will generate an “Add it to the table” button that will allow you to add the selected contents to the processing list of “Replace with text” panel and “Replace with Image” panel. Please see it in the following snapshot.

Select texts to be replaced

To replace the selected texts with new text, please check the radio button of “Replace with text” and type the replacement text into the corresponding edit box below “Replace with” column. Please see it in the next snapshot.

replace selected texts with new texts

To replace the selected texts with image, please check the radio box of “Replace with Image” and click button Settings/admin/ below “Replace with” column to open file picker window in which you can choose image. Please see it in the following snapshot.

replace selected texts with image

After that, please remember to save the changes to the PDF by clicking once on Save button.
Step 3. Replace

When coming back to the main inter face, please specify an output folder by clicking the folder beside the “Output Folder” edit box. Then, please click the Replace button to start to replace the selected texts with the new text that you type or the images you choose.

Several seconds later, you will notice that the original texts are replaced with the new texts or images.

Please check the effect from the following snapshots.

Input PDF
                                      Input PDF file

Output PDF with the new text replacing the orginal texts
         Output PDF with the new text replacing the original texts

Output PDF with image replacing the original texts
         Output PDF with image replacing the original texts

This is the end of this article and you can get full version of VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer here.

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