I purchase 2 licenses for OCR to Excel but that is not working on Tiffs with various orientations. Can you upgrade that license to OCR 2 any product...
I purchased 2 OCR to Excel licenses. But that does not solve my problem if Tiff images are with different orientation. I was wondering if there is a possibility to change it to OCR 2 Any Command Line version as it have that auto detect orientation feature...
Thanks for your message, OCR to Any Converter Command Line v2.0 has ability to auto detect orientation, please refer to the following web page,
this page is contain following words,
Auto-Orientation: Automatically detect text orientation, rotating in proper way landscape images acquired in portrait or portrait images acquired in landscape! Then OCR rotated images to Office documents.
You can use -ocr2aor to detect text orientation and convert scanned documents to editable Word or Excel documents,
ocr2any.exe -ocr2 -ocr2aor test_auto_rotate.tif _test\_test_auto_rotate.doc
ocr2any.exe -ocr2 -ocr2aor test_auto_rotate.tif _test\_test_auto_rotate.xls
How auto detect orientation works for TIFF, PDF and other image formats?
We are using a TIFF file as test sample, as you see, this TIFF file has been rotated 90 angle,
Run following command line without use “-ocr2aor” parameter,
ocr2any.exe -ocr2 D:\temp\test_table_ocr.tif D:\temp\out.rtf
Open generated “D:\temp\out.rtf” file in MS Word, you will see a big picture be inserted into this RTF document, this is not good,
Now, we are add “-ocr2aor” parameter to try again,
ocr2any.exe -ocr2 -ocr2aor D:\temp\test_table_ocr.tif D:\temp\out.rtf
The generated RTF file is contain text contents only, you can reuse this RTF file easily,
-ocr2aor is a great parameter for Tiff images which with different orientation, this parameter does auto detect page orientation and correct it perfectly.