Dear Sir
I want to know the different of CMD & SDK version, Since i read the code that both of it is calling "PDFTOOLS.EXE" command line. And also there is not enough information for the SDK that i find in the website(such as manual, user guide etc.), can you give me more information?
The Command Line is a standalone EXE application, the Command Line can be called by CreateProcess() or Shell() or script or other functions, you can run it in CMD window by manual too. Command Line is only useful for both Developers and End Users.
SDK is a DLL Library, SDK/COM can't be run by manual in CMD window, you can only call it from the source code, e.g., you can call it from VB, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Java, etc. program languages. SDK is only useful for Developers.
In general, the Command Line can be used easier than SDK version. If you are not a developer, we suggest you may choose the Command Line version.
See Also: