DocPrint Pro

How to convert OpenOffice to PNG image

PNG, which is also called Portable Network Graphics,  was designed for transferring images on the Internet. It is a bitmapped image format which employs lossless data compression. As an image-file format not requiring a patent license, PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF . PNG supports images like palette-based images , grayscale images, and RGB[A] images.

This article aims to introduce a method to convert OpenOffice to PNG image. Please follow the steps as below:

Step 1:  Launch VeryPDF docPrint Pro by double clicking the icon of it, you will find six buttons under the list box. 


Figure. 1

Step 2: Add files

Click the first button “Add file(s)” as illustrated above in Figure. 1. There will pop out a prompt window, on the bottom of which you will find two combo boxes as illustrated below.


Figure. 2

Click the second arrow and select the “Files of type” to “All Files(*.*)” on the drop-down menu as below. The difference between “All Files” and “All Supported Files” is that the former one refers to all the types of files, while the latter one only indicates the usually used types like PPT, TXT and PDF.


Figure. 3

Select the file you want to convert from OpenOffice to PNG in the list box, and click it, then the file name will appear in the box on the right of “File name”, after that, click “Open” .

Step 3:  set output format

Click the second button “Setting” as in Figure.1. Then, select the “Output format” to “.png” in the combo box, and click “OK” to finish setting.


Figure. 4

Step 4: Start converting

Click the  third button “Start” as in Figure. 1, and select the path to save the outputting image. Click “OK” to start converting  from OpenOffice to PNG. When the printer icon disappears from the right down corner of the screen, it means, the PNG image is ready. The following screenshot shows the effect of the image converted from OpenOffice to PNG.


Figure. 4

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PDF Editor

How always to appear the beginning figure of the textbox when add it to pdf file?

When we add a textbox to pdf file by use of “verypdf pdf editor”, as default it displays No. 00000001, then from which is No. 00000002 and go on endlessly. Do you know how to make it always begin from No.00000001? Here I tell you.

First method, restart  “verypdf pdf editor”, it’s a quitter’s mode and maybe affect other content that have finished.

Second method, after adding a textbox to pdf for the first time, put your cursor on the textbox then click the right button of the mouse and choose the “Properties” option . Look at the illustration below:



After that choose “Globle bates setting” and click “reset” , look at the illustration below:



Thus the beginning figure will appear when you add a textbox next time, repeat the operation the textbox you add is always from No. 00000001. Look at the sample below:


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DocPrint Pro

How to convert OpenOffice to TIFF image

TIFF(Tagged Image File Format),  a file format for storing images, is popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry, and both amateur and professional photographers in general.It was originally created by the company Aldus for use with what was then called "desktop publishing". TIFF  is widely supported by image-manipulation applications, by publishing and page layout applications, by various applications like scanning, faxing, and word processing.

As an all-to-all document converter, VeryPDF docPrint Pro can convert almost any document to any image like convert files from OpenOffice to TIFF, PDF to EPS, and Word to PNG .  This article would like to show you how to convert  OpenOffice to TIFF in the MS-DOS command mode via docPrint Pro.

Step 1: run MS-DOS

Click “Start” on the left-down corner of the screen>click “Run” on the menu>enter “cmd” and click “OK” to open the MS-DOS command prompt window as illustrated below:


Figure1. the initial MS-DOS command prompt window

Step 2: Type the following command into the command prompt window to convert OpenOffice to TIFF.

  • C:\Documents and Settings\admin>“C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” –i “C:\Document and Settings\admin\Desktop\verypdf.odt” –o “C:\Document and Settings\admin\Desktop\verypdf.tiff”

In the lines,

  • “C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe”

refers to the executable tool of docPrint Pro;

  • –i “C:\Document and Settings\admin\Desktop\verypdf.odt”

indicates the source document;  and

  • –o “C:\Document and Settings\admin\Desktop\verypdf.tiff”

represents the target directory and the outputting TIFF image.

The following screenshot illustrates the MS-DOS command prompt window after you type the command.


Figure 2. with the command for converting OpenOffice to TIFF

Step 3: Hit Enter key on the  keyboard to start converting files of OpenOffice to TIFF.  Then, the command prompt window as illustrated below will present the processing status. 


Figure 3. with processing status

The following screenshot represents the effect of the conversion from OpenOffice to TIFF.image

Figure 4. the TIFF image

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PDF Editor

How to add a textbox to pdf file by use of verypdf pdf editor?

There are two icons whose appearance is the same, one is contained in “Edit Comment”, the other is in “Edit Content”, the way to distinguish them depend on their title, the icon in “Edit Comment” whose title is “add textbox”, the other icon in “Edit Content” whose title is “add text”, here I introduce how to add a textbox to pdf file.

First click the icon “Edit Comment”, afterwards the relevant icons will be lighted, select the icon “T+” and click and then slide your mouse in the space of pdf file to build a textbox, in the textbox you can edit content, you can set the color of the textbox and so on, the method that click the right button of your mouse after having clicked the textbox which you have built and choose “properties”. Now suppose I need add a textbox and in which I need input “”,  Look at the illustration below:

Step 1: find the icon “T+”


Step 2: build a textbox in pdf file


Step 3: delete the existing content, the method is that double click the left button of your mouse in the textbox then cover the existing content and press “Delete” key .


Step 4: input “” then click a blank place where is beyond the textbox or click the “View” icon in the toolbar. That’s all.


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PDFcamp Printer

How to convert Google Docs to PDF file?

Google Docs is a free, Web-based office suite, and data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users. You can create new documents from scratch or upload existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. There's no software to download, and all your work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any computer.There are many advantages of google docs,such as creating basic documents from scratch or starting from a template,Uploading your existing files,Choosing who can access your documents,Sharing instantly,Editing and presenting with others in real time,etc.But at first,you should have a google account,if not,you have to register one and sign in.

If you want to convert the google docs to pdf file, I think you should use the software PDFcamp Printer and I will tell you several steps which is easy enough to learn.

Step1.Sign in google docs and you can create a new file or upload the existing documents in your computer.Of course you can set the font color,font number and other parameter in google docs.


Step2.After finishing your document,you can click “file”—“print” or press “Ctrl”+”P”to convert the google docs to pdf file.There are two methods to convert google docs to pdf file.

(1)Click “file”—“print”on the browser and select the printer,then set the parameter in “properties”.There are nine kinds of parameter you can set in properties and you can set freely according to your need.Then name and save the new pdf file.


(2)Because of the powerful function of google docs itself,you can create the pdf file directly by selecting the open format.The default open format is Adobe Reader.Then you can click “OK”.


The system will download the new pdf file itself and you will see the file after download.


In the conversion of google docs to pdf,these two ways are very practical,you can choose anyone to use.

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