@verypdf news, pdfstamp command line

PDF Stamp Command Line is support barcode NOW.


can we use PsdStamp Command Line to stamp a barcode font on the pdf ? Perhaps this is simply..

I have try to run pdfstamp command with the follow option that must specify to use a specific font :

-FT "FREE 3 OF 9"

But the font on the pdf is always the standard font (I have also tried with other fonts installed on the system..).
It seems that the command -FT don't works..

Can you help me please ?

We have released a new version of PDFStamp Command Line application today, please download the new version of PDFStamp Command Line application from following URL,


after you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to add barcode text into your PDF pages,

pdfstamp.exe -pdf pdftest.pdf -o pdftest-out.pdf -at 1234567890 -ft "Free 3 of 9"

pdfstamp_cmd.zip package contains a stamp-barcode.bat file, you can also run stamp-barcode.bat file to test barcode function.



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pdf form filler

Rich Text form field supported by PDF Form Filler product


We have a need to fill form fields in an Acrobat PDF.  One of the fields is a multiline rich text form field and we need to be able to fill it with formatted rich text.  This step occurs on our server and the completed, formatted PDF is then sent for printing.

Can your library perform this function for us?



Please download VeryPDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1 from following web page to try, you can use VeryPDF Form Filler SDK (COM) v3.1 to fill the PDF forms easily,


please refer to the example VB source code at below,

Private Declare Sub PDFForm_SetLicenseKey Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpLicenseKey As String)
Private Declare Function PDFForm_MergeFDFIntoPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpInFDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_MergeXFDFIntoPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpInFDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_ExtractFDFFromPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpOutFDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_FlattenPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_EncryptPDF Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal lpInPDF As String, ByVal lpUserPwd As String, ByVal lpOwnerPwd As String, ByVal lpPermissions As String, ByVal nKeyLen As Long, ByVal lpOutPDF As String) As Long

Private Declare Function PDFForm_Alloc Lib "pdfform.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_Free Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_SetTextField Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpFieldName As String, ByVal lpFieldValue As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_SetCheckBox Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpFieldName As String, ByVal lpFieldValue As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_Apply Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long, ByVal lpInFile As String, ByVal lpOutFile As String, ByVal bFlatten As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PDFForm_ClearFields Lib "pdfform.dll" (ByVal id As Long) As Long

Private Function PDFFormFilling1()
        Dim id As Long
        Dim nRet As Long
        Dim szOutPDF1 As String
        Dim szOutPDF2 As String
        Dim szPDFFile As String
        szPDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.pdf"
        szOutPDF1 = App.Path + "\out1.pdf"
        szOutPDF2 = App.Path + "\out2.pdf"

        id = PDFForm_Alloc()
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-1", "1 Test for Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-2", "1 Test for Business Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-3", "1 Test for f1-3")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-4", "1 Test for f1-4")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-5", "1 Test for f1-5")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-6", "1 Test for f1-6")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-4", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-5", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-1", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-2", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_Apply(id, szPDFFile, szOutPDF1, False)
        nRet = PDFForm_ClearFields(id)
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-1", "2 Test for Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-2", "2 Test for Business Name")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-3", "2 Test for f1-3")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-4", "2 Test for f1-4")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-5", "2 Test for f1-5")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetTextField(id, "f1-6", "2 Test for f1-6")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-4", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-5", "Off")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-1", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_SetCheckBox(id, "c1-2", "Yes")
        nRet = PDFForm_Apply(id, szPDFFile, szOutPDF2, True)
        nRet = PDFForm_Free(id)
End Function

Private Function PDFFormFilling2()
        Dim bRet As Long
        Dim szInPDFFile As String
        Dim szInFDFFile As String
        Dim szInXFDFFile As String
        Dim szOutPDFFile As String
        Dim szOutPDFFileByXFDF As String
        Dim szOutFDFFile As String
        Dim szFlattenPDFFile As String
        Dim szEncryptPDFFile As String
        szInPDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.pdf"
        szInFDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.fdf"
        szInXFDFFile = App.Path + "\example-fw9.xfdf"
        szOutPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-filled.pdf"
        szOutPDFFileByXFDF = App.Path + "\out-filled-by-xfdf.pdf"
        szOutFDFFile = App.Path + "\out.fdf"
        szFlattenPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-flatten.pdf"
        szEncryptPDFFile = App.Path + "\out-encrypt.pdf"
        bRet = PDFForm_MergeFDFIntoPDF(szInPDFFile, szInFDFFile, szOutPDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_MergeXFDFIntoPDF(szInPDFFile, szInXFDFFile, szOutPDFFileByXFDF)
        bRet = PDFForm_ExtractFDFFromPDF(szOutPDFFile, szOutFDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_FlattenPDF(szOutPDFFile, szFlattenPDFFile)
        bRet = PDFForm_EncryptPDF(szOutPDFFile, "123", "456", "Printing", 128, szEncryptPDFFile)
End Function

Private Sub PDFForm_Click()
        PDFForm_SetLicenseKey ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
End Sub


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pdf password remover

help with pdf password remover: unable to remove the user password

dear sir/ma'am,

I would like to request for your help with removing the user password from one of the pdf files. I am in the process of evaluating the  the pdf password remover, however, I am unable to remove the password. upon running the file through the pdf password remover & supplying the user password, it generates an error saying the user password is incorrect & so, the password cannot be removed. while I am able to open the same file by using the same password in adobe reader x 10.

Please help.

if needed, I may even provide the file for necessary analysis.

with kind regards,
Can you please email to us your sample PDF file for checking?

Dear Sir,

attached is the pdf in question. i am afraid, i don't have an order ID
number as i am right now using the trial version of the product & came
across this error during the demo usage.

the password for opening the pdf would be:


I am able to open the file with adoe reader 10 but the pdf password
remover treats this  password as incorrect. please help. I really like
the product & would want to buy the full version for sure.

with kind regards,
Please input “bhar1401” into user password and owner password fields,
then you will decrypt your PDF file properly, please refer to
following screenshots,



dear sir,

thank you very much for your kind help. i have been able ot remove the password from the file. it worked.

thank you once again.

with kind regards,
Thank you for your message.


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verypdf blog

Replace fonts in PDF files

Dear support,

I am very happy with VeryPDF PCLtool convertor. Beside this tool, we now want to use PDF printCMD  to print our invoices. I already have a license.

I have a PCL-file (attached you can find the prfile.prn) and a backgroud (Attached as Meel factuur2.pdf) With this command:

pcltool.exe -append 3 -creator "VeryPDF" -producer "VeryPDF"  -title "Factuur / Invoice" -author "VeryPDF" -templateatbottom -template Meel_factuur2.pdf prfile.prn C:\VeryPDF\pdfprint_cmd\temp\MeelFaktuur.pdf

That results into the attachment Meelfaktuur057.pdf. Perfect so far.

Now we want to print these PDF files automaticly (in a batch-file), by using PDFPrint.

for %%F in (C:\VeryPDF\pdfprint_cmd\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe" -printer "VeryPDF-Printer" -paper 55 -color 2 "%%F"

With this command I am getting a print towards the VeryPDF-Printer. This is a special printer. We are trying to use this "virtual" VeryPDF-Printer because this is a printer of the ABC company.

This ABC company prints the invoices, fold them, and put them in envelopes and ensure that they are delivered for us.

ABC InvoicePost has to be able to "read" / "scan" the information, some codes etc. When I print my invoices by PDFprintCmd, they are not able to read or scan my invoice-text.

Do you please have any suggestion about how to use pdfprint_Cmd (or together with PCLtool) in a way that makes them able to read / scan some Text on our invoices. They asked me to use a windows-format (windows Font I guess). I think I am using an arial font, but I do not know if this is a right Windows-format or not.

Do you have any ideas to fix this? Thanks a lot!

Thanks for your message, the MeelFaktuur057.pdf file is readable in Adobe Reader, we can also copy the text from this PDF file to notepad, everything is fine in this PDF file.

It seems this is a limitation in ABC product, if possible, you may suggest them to support wide PDF formats.

also, we can provide a custom-build version of PDF Font Replacer software to you at additional cost, this PDF Font Replacer software will able to replace all fonts in MeelFaktuur057.pdf file to Arial font, this may solve this problem to you, if you are interest in this custom-build version of PDF Font Replacer software, please feel free to let us know.


Thanks for your quick answers.  I already asked ABC about Wide PDF-format, but i don't have an answer yet.

I hope i understand your comments about Font Replacer. To check if i understand it in the right way, i have a little question: I already intended to send the Arial font in the PCL file (prfile.prn) for the invoice header and the footer partly. Only the body (where the amounts, taxrates etc. are written) of my invoice should be in a Courier font. So I intended to create the biggest part of my invoice in Arial Font . But was the example I send yesterday, really in the  Arial - font as i intended to send?

Or do you perhaps want to use Font Replacer to replace the Courier fonts into Arial.
How about the fontsize: Does FontReplacer also replace everything to one size?

If my "Prfile.prn" does not provide the right Arial Font (for the invoice header/footer)to convert in the PDF file, then I can also try to change the prfile.prn first.  So how Arial was my example really?

Your PDF file doesn’t contain Arial or Courier fonts, you can open your PDF file in Adobe Reader, then you can check the Fonts used in your PDF document easily,


>>Or do you perhaps want to use Font Replacer to replace the Courier fonts into Arial.

Font Replacer will replease all fonts in your PDF file to Arial or Courier, e.g., replace A030-Bol to Arial, replace NumbusMono-Bol to Arial, etc.

>>How about the fontsize: Does FontReplacer also replace everything to one size?

Font Replacer doesn’t change the original font size, it will keep the original font size.

>>If my "Prfile.prn" does not provide the right Arial Font (for the invoice header/footer)to convert  in the PDF file, then I can also try to change the prfile.prn first. So how Arial was my example really?

yes, you can try to change the fonts in "Prfile.prn" first, and convert your PCL file to PDF file and check the fonts again, this may help you on this problem.


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autocad to pdf converter

AutoCAD DWG/DXF to PDF Converter v2.2 software is fail to convert a DWG file to PDF file

Dear Support,

Just purchased your AutoCAD DWG/DXF to PDF Converter v2.2 software. We have following questions for this software,

1.    After each conversion the application has to be restarted otherwise it saves the first converted file.  It does not clear its cache even when the previously converted file is taken from the list.
2.    Although all dwg files are the same version, the conversion returns a blanc page or inserts a blanc page in front of the drawing pages.

Firstly, we had the software installed on a Vista workstation and thought Vista could be causing the problems, so we installed it on a XP workstation, but encountered the same problems.
We would appreciate your feedback and solution as soon as possible, because we have to finish this project this week.

Kind regards,
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, can you please email to us your sample DWG files for test purpose?

Thanks for your kind reply. I have attached two drawing files.  The first one is returning a blank page and the second one is converting okay.
Thanks for your sample DWG files, the "Induction Motor 6 Watt 60MM 36-37.dwg" file can be converted to PDF file properly, please refer to the converted PDF file in attachment.

AutoCAD DWG/DXF to PDF Converter v2.2 software is fail on the "Induction Motor 3 Wat 60MM 34-35.dwg" file, we will research this DWG file shortly, we will let you know as soon as we have any finding on this DWG file, thanks for your patience.


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