Advanced PDF Tools COM 64bit version

You created a custom PDF 32 bit COM object for us in the past.  Do you have an plans for 64 bit? 
Yes, we have 64bit version for most of our Advanced PDF Tools COM product, you can download 64bit version of Advanced PDF Tools COM from following URL,


after you unzip it to a folder, please run a CMD window by administrator, run installx64.bat, you will register both PDFSDKCOMExe.exe and pdfsdkcom.dll correctly, then you can run win64_test_***.vbs file to test the 64bit COM interface, for example,

     Set oPDF = CreateObject("PDFSDKCOMExe.pdftools")
     oPDF.OpenPDFFile "C:\test.pdf"
     If oPDF.IsOpened = False Then
        MsgBox "Open PDF file failed."
        MsgBox "Open PDF file successful."
     End If
     oPDF.Save "C:\test-our.pdf"
     MsgBox "Save PDF file successful."

pdfsdkcom.dll is not a 64 bit COM .dll - are you sure you dropped the correct .dll in the .zip file?
Yes, pdfsdkcom.dll is a 32bit DLL, you need call PDFSDKCOMExe.exe from your code, PDFSDKCOMExe.exe is the 64bit COM interface, you can call it by following sample code,

     Set oPDF = CreateObject("PDFSDKCOMExe.pdftools")
     oPDF.OpenPDFFile "C:\test.pdf"
     If oPDF.IsOpened = False Then
        MsgBox "Open PDF file failed."
        MsgBox "Open PDF file successful."
     End If
     oPDF.Save "C:\test-out.pdf"
     MsgBox "Save PDF file successful."

Also, we have created the new 64bit version of Advanced PDF Tools COM to you, please download it from following URL,


the new version does contain CheckPDFA() function, you can call it to check if a PDF file contains PDF/A or not.


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