I need to remove the page stamp that we have previously added to a batch of documents using very pdf.
Can this be done with very pdf?
Thanks for your message, you can use our PDF Editor product to remove the stamps, you can open your PDF file in PDF Editor, click "Edit Content" button, then you can remove the stamps one by one by manual, PDF Editor product can be downloaded from following page,
Additionally, you can also use PDFStamp Command Line to remove these stamps, PDFStamp Command Line product has an "undo" parameter, you can use PDFStamp Command Line product to undo the stamps from your PDF files on the fly, PDFStamp Command Line product can be downloaded from following page,
You can run following command line to undo stamps from your PDF file, for example,
pdfstamp -PDF "test.pdf" -o undo.pdf -SU
We have downloaded the command line software but we are still unable to remove the image stamp.
I have attached a sample document that contains the type of image stamp that we are trying to remove. The image stamp on the sample document was applied using very pdf approximately 12 months ago.
Can you please advise how I can remove the image stamp from a large batch of documents?
You can run following command line to remove the stamps from your PDF file,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf D:\temp5\VET.001.001.0016.pdf -o D:\temp5\VET.001.001.0016-undo.pdf -SU
please refer to the new PDF file in attachment, this PDF file hasn't watermark.
Thank you very much for your response.
The sample file is one of 4611 files that we need to remove the watermark from. Can you please tell me how I can remove the watermark from all files in the batch?
You can run following command line to batch remove the stamps from your PDF files,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf D:\in\*.pdf -o D:\out\*.pdf -SU
I've downloaded the trial version 2.5 of pdf stamp command line to try before buying it, but even using the attached command I still cannot remove the stamp. Could you tell me if I am doing anything wrong?
pdfstamp -PDF "VET0010010002.pdf" -o undoVET0010010002.pdf -SU
Running on Windows 7 32 bits
VET0010010002.pdf file was modified by other applications (Adobe Acrobat or others), because "verypdf" keyword has been removed from this PDF file, so, it is impossible to remove the stamps from this PDF fileby "-su" parameter, please understand this matter.
However, if this function is important to you, we can provide a custom-build version of PDF Text Remover Command Line product to you, you can use this product like following,
pdftxtdel.exe -text "VET.001.001" C:\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
Above command line will remove all text contents which start with "VET.001.001" string, it can remove any text string from PDF pages. If this solution will acceptable to you, please feel free to let us know, we will talk the details.
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