“ Some of pages” as you said has two situations:
One, the pages are continuous, such as P1-P2-P3—P4.
Two, the pages are discontinuous, such as P1-P6-P7-P8.
In order to tackle this matter, I will show you the solving procedures in two situations.
Situations one:
Downloading a software here.https://www.verypdf.com/pdf2ppt/index.html#dl This software is PDF to PowerPoint Converter which can convert the PDF file to PPT in a few seconds. Take a arbitrary PDF named “example.pdf” file for example.“example.pdf” has four pages and I want to convert P2-P3 to PPT file.
- Add “example.pdf” to PDF to PowerPoint Converter and choose the page range from P2-P3.
2. Choose other menu options, such as output formats and mode as you require for your new PPT file. If your source file has no password, you can ignore that menu bar.
3.Now you can convert it.You’d better rename the new PPT file same as the PDF file for your future searching. Or you can name it as you wish.Please remember which folder the file is saved in.
4. A few seconds later the PPT file shows up in the screen automatically in the open status. There are two pages here P2-P3. PDF to PowerPoint Converter can convert the continuous pages in PDF file.
Situations Two:
From the menu list, we can get that the discontinuous pages can not be chosen. From Pn to Pm is a page section. If you choose P5-P10, P5,P6,P7,P8,P9, P10 all would be included. It will not be easy to pick up the pages you needed. So strongly suggest that choose one page in each time and repeat the operation many times.
- Also we still need that software. The steps same with the situations one.
- When you choose the page range please choose from Pn to Pn , then in the converted PPT file, it only has one page, like pictures show form P2 to P2.
- The same convertion process has to be repeated many times then you can get the discontinuous pages in your PPT file.