Convert pcl to tiff via a command line

If you have a number of documents stored in pcl format, if you want process a mass of report forms stored in pcl format, if you want to convert your files in pcl to tiff, pdf or other formats, you must need an application supported to run in a command line. An application supporting running in the command line mode will be able to be called in a batch script, which is useful for batch processing. VeryPDF PCL Converter is an application developed for converting pcl to tiff and other formats. This program has two versions, of which one is GUI version and the other is command line version. This article is to introduce the usage of converting pcl to tiff with PCL Converter command line.

Before using the program, you have to download VeryPDF PCL Converter from and install it into your Microsoft Windows Operating System. You will find an executable file named “pcltool.exe” which is the key component of PCL Converter for running in the MS-DOS command line mode. The other executable file named “winpcl.exe” is the GUI of PCL Converter, of which the descriptions are provided in articles here, here and here.

To use the command line program of PCL Converter, you have to firstly start your MS-DOS command line prompt window. There are two shortcuts to launch a DOS command line prompt in Windows system. The first one is to follow the menu path, [start] –> [Run], and input “cmd” or “cmd.exe” into the “Open” textbox of popup “Run” dialog. The second one is to press and hold the “Window” key of your keyboard and then press “R”. Input “cmd” or “cmd.exe” in the same dialog with that of the first shortcut.

The default current directory of the MS-DOS command prompt is “C:\Documents and Settings\USER\”, of which “USER” is your system logon name, and for the author, the directory is “C:\Documents and Settings\admin\”. In this current directory, you can call the program of “pcltool.exe” with including its full path, “C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\”, as used in the following command line,

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\pcltool.exe" "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\verypdf.pcl" "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\verypdf.tiff" <Enter>.

This command line calls the program “pcltool.exe” stored in “C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\” and converts "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\verypdf.pcl" to "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\verypdf.tiff", form pcl to tiff.

For directly calling the program of PCL Converter without specifying its full path, you can change the current directory of the MS-DOS command prompt form its default one to the directory where PCL Converter is installed. A basic command line of converting pcl to tif is like the one below.

pcltool verypdf.pcl verypdf.tif <Enter>.

You can use options “-width” and “-height” to set the size of converted images, like the command line

pcltool –width 400 –height 800 verypdf.pcl verypdf.tiff <Enter>.

This command converts verypdf.pcl to verypdf.tiff from pcl to tiff with the width and height of the tiff image set to 400 and 800, respectively.

This article presented only some simple usages and options of Very PDF PCL Converter, and you will find more information of this program at To use the full function version of PCL Converter, please buy a license your software at

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