How to set layout and pattern while converting doc to pdf?

The software docPrint Document Converter has the ability to convert any printable files to various frequently used formats in Windows Operating Systems. There are two ways to use docPrint Document Converter to achieve converting your files. One way is to use docPrint as a system printer and print source files to the target format. Via this way, you have to set all required parameters and layouts before the conversion. The other way is to start docPrint Document Converter through a system virtual printer and convert files with “save to”. This method allows you to edit print layouts and patterns before the final conversion. Here is a simple guide to convert your Microsoft Word documents to Adobe Acrobat PDF files using the second method mentioned above.

Download and install docPrint Document Converter and you will find two new virtual printers installed on Windows PC. One of the printers is “docPrint PDF Driver” that can be used as a normal system virtual printer and the other is named “docPrint”, which launches the application docPrint Document Converter while printing files with it. Below is a step-by-step guide for you to edit the layout and pattern before converting a document of doc to pdf.

1. Open the edited document using MS Word application and follow the menu path “File –> Print…” to start the “Print” dialog in your Windows system.

2. In the “Print” dialog as shown in the following snapshot, choose “docPrint” in dropdown list of “Name” and then press “OK” button. This operation activates the GUI application of docPrint Document Converter.


3. The next screen snapshot presents the GUI of docPrint Document Converter. In the “Option Settings” dialog,


  • 3.1. “Page Border” dropdown list provides three patterns for page border, “None”, “Frame” and “Separator”. “Frame” is selected in this guide.
  • 3.2. “Page Number” dropdown list provides six options for setting the position of page number, “None” (page number will not be printed), “Left Top”, “Center Top” (selected for this case), “Right Top”, “Left Bottom”, “Center Bottom” and “Right Bottom”.
  • 3.3. “Start Page” sets the number from which the number page increases. The default value is “1”.
  • 3.4. “Page Margins” dropdown list provides five options for setting the page margin, “None” (add no margin), “Small”, “Medium”, “Large” and “Original” (use default margin of the original file).
  • 3.5. “Watermark” provides some patterns of preset watermark to add into the page. Pressing the “…” button leads you to the “Watermark Options” dialog where you can edit your own watermark patterns for future use. The following snapshot shows the “Watermark Options” dialog, where the “Watermark name” dropdown box lists the preset patterns of watermark and you may create a new pattern by press “New” button, “Delete” or “Rename” the selected one. The three radio buttons, “Page Header”, “Watermark” and “Page Footer” determine the position of watermark text. You could edit the watermark text in the input textbox beside the “Watermark” radio button. The “Font” button can activate the “Font” dialog of system for setting the fonts of watermark text. Spin control box “Transparence” sets the transparence of watermark (full opacity at value of 100), “Angle” sets the dip angle of watermark, “OffsetX” sets the horizontal offset of the watermark in unit of mm, and “OffsetY” sets the vertical offset of the watermark. After setting all the parameters for watermark, press “OK” button in “Watermark Options” dialog.

The effect is previewed in real time in docPrint application window while modifying those options in the steps above.

How to set layout and pattern while converting doc to pdf?

4. Select menu path “File –> Save To PDF/PS/EPS Files” as presented below and continue to the “Save As” dialog.

How to set layout and pattern while converting doc to pdf?

5. In the “Save AS” dialog as presented in the following snapshot, set the output path in combo box “Save in”, edit the file name in editable combo text box “File name”, choose “Acrobat PDF File (*.PDF)” in dropdown list “Save as type”, and press “Save” button. Then your document is converted from doc to pdf with customized print layouts and patterns.


The last screen snapshot shows the converted file from doc to pdf with newly added print patterns.

How to set layout and pattern while converting doc to pdf?

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