What is 128 bit encryption?

  When you send a fax or email and it would be hacked and the process is not secure, particularly where bank account numbers are concerned in your fax or email. Then How to make the transfer much safer? You’d better set a password for your file then transfer it by email or other ways. Image2PDF v3.2 will be helpful in this aspect, you can get it here.  https://www.verypdf.com/tif2pdf/tif2pdf.htm#dl   Then what kind of password is much safer? How much do you know about 128 bit encryption? If you are interested in this, please read the following article.

   Encryption is a sophisticated scrambling method that is designed to prevent unauthorized eavesdropping on electronic data. Encryption works by taking a piece of information and processing it with a mathematical formula (called an "algorithm") that converts the information into a meaningless string of letters and numbers. For example, the sentence "This is a secret," when encrypted may look like "as03xx1a79x!dqt." This encrypted string of information can be sent over the Internet with the likelihood that anyone intercepting the message will not be able to comprehend it. When the string does reach its intended destination, a similar mathematical formula is applied to the string to decrypt it.

128-bit encryption refers to the size of the key used to encrypt the message. A longer key means the encryption is more "random," and if someone attempts to decode the message, he must  try more combinations of keys. The more bits you set, the harder for the breaker to decode.

If you have a file needed to be encoded for the safe transmitting, maybe you can have a try to use 128-bit encryption for your file. Then Image2PDF come in handy. I will show you how to use 128-bit encryption by Image2PDF .

  • Download Image2PDF  here: https://www.verypdf.com/tif2pdf/tif2pdf.htm#dl
  • Add your file to Image2PDF .
  • Set the 128-bit encryption by clicking “Setting” button then go to “Encrypt Option”. By clicking “OK” to end setting.  Meanwhile you can also set other restrictive conditions for your file, such as no printing, no copying or others.


  • When you finish the setting, click “Make PDF” to end the conversion. Name the new file and store it in a secret folder then you can keep it much safer. 128-bit encryption is the great guarantee to make others hard to touch your files.
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