If you want to convert PBM to PDF, Image to PDF Converter can help you with that in Windows platforms. Here are details below:
Application of Image to PDF Converter contains two versions: GUI version and CMD version, which help users convert image to PDF with GUI interface and command line in Windows platform mainly. If you are interested in this process, please keep reading this article:
First of all, you need to download installer of Image to PDF Converter and zip file of Image to PDF Converter of CMD version. Then, double click installer and follow setup wizard, then GUI version of Image to PDF Converter can be installed on your computer. Likely, please open zip file on your computer, then extract its content to your computer so that program “img2pdf.exe” can be used directly.
Firstly, you can use GUI version to convert PBM to PDF:
1. Add PBM for this process after you open GUI interface: click “Add Files” > select PBM file in dialog box of “Image2PDF” > click “Open” there, so its path can be shown in processing table directly.
2. Please click button of “Make PDF” > select “Convert image files with default options” on dropdown list, then there will be a dialog box popped on your screen, where you need to select one destination folder > click “Save”, so PDF file can be generated from PBM file on your computer.
Next, if you think it is a little complicated to use GUI interface to convert PBM file to PDF file, you can refer to the following to convert PBM to PDF with command line on your computer:
1. Open operating environment --- CMD window
Click “Windows + R” hotkey > input “cmd.exe” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”
2. Type command line referring to following example
F:\image2pdf_cmd3.2\img2pdf.exe –o D:\output\example9.pdf G:\input\example9.pbm
- F:\image2pdf_cmd3.2\img2pdf.exe is the path of “img2pdf.exe”, which is typed for calling this program itself in order to running CMD version of Image to PDF Converter
- –o is the parameter to produce PDF file, which is essential in front of objective path
- D:\output\example9.pdf is the targeting path for saving PDF file
- G:\input\example9.pbm is source path of PBM file, which is used for adding this PBM for this process
After all is finished like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then CMD version of Image to PDF Converter can help you produce PDF file with “-o”.
Anyway, if you have questions on process to convert PBM to PDF with Image to PDF Converter, it is easy for you to leave your comments here, within 24 hours, our technique support can give you perfect answer as you wish. And if you have questions on Image to PDF Converter, please go to homepage of Image to PDF Converter.