With the help of VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro), you only need to take three steps to convert Excel to PDF and rotate page via command line. VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) provides a command line version and a GUI version. This article will focus on the command line version, and show you how to use it.
1. Download VeryPDF Document Converter
The command line application is an all-to-all document converter. It supports batch conversion and output setting. If you know how to use it to convert Excel to PDF and rotate page via command line, I am sure you will also quickly know how to use it to convert other types of documents. But first of all, you need to install this useful tool on your computer. Please click VeryPDF Document Converter to download the command line application, install it on your computer. And then, you will get 50 times to use it free.
2. Open the command prompt interface
If you are a Windows XP user, peace open the command prompt interface by clicking Start on the desktop, > clicking Run on the Start menu, > typing cmd in the Run dialog box, > pressing Enter.
If you are a Windows 7 or Vista user, please do as follows: click Start, > type cmd in the searching edit box on the Start menu, > and press Enter.
3. Type a command line and press Enter
When you see the command prompt interface on the desktop, you should type a command line in it. You may want to take a look at the basic usage, option and examples before typing a command line.
- Usage : doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
- Option : -R <Rotate> (rotate page 90, 180, 270 angle)
- Examples:
- “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -r 90 -i D:\in.xls -o E:\out.pdf
- “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -r 270 –i D:\*.xls -o E:\*.pdf
Notes: Quotation marks must be used to enclose the path if the words in the path are separated by spaces, for example, “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe”. Now, please type a command line as the examples and press Enter.
These are the three steps that are required to convert Excel to PDF and rotate page via command line. If you want to buy VeryPDF Document Converter, please click full version.