Thanks to VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro), I can always use a single command line to set PDF keywords and convert Excel to PDF very quickly. Have you ever used VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) before? If not, you should really try it. As an all-to-all document converter, it can help you convert any printable files, including all types of Excel file formats, to PDF files or image files.
How to get VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro)?
In fact, VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) provides a command line version and a GUI version. Both versions are available at the homepage of VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro). If you want to get command line version, you can click VeryPDF Document Converter(CMD) to download the command line version and install it on the computer. Then, you can use it free for 50 times.
How to Convert Excel to PDF and set PDF keywords?
Once you have VeryPDF Document Converter installed on your computer, you only need to take two steps to solve the problem.
1. Open the command prompt window
- If you are a Windows XP user, please click Start on the screen, > click Run on the Start menu, > type cmd in the Run dialog box, > press Enter.
- If you are a Vista or Windows 7 user, please click Start, > type cmd in the edit box on the Start menu, and then press Enter.
2. Type a command line and press Enter
When you see the command prompt window on the screen, you should type a command line in it. Before you type a command line, please take a look at the usage, option, and examples.
- Usage : doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
- Option : -k <keywords> : "keywords" for PDF file
- Examples:
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -k "pdf, excel, converter" –i D:\in.xls -o E:\out.pdf
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -k "pdf, excel, converter" –i D:\*.xls -o E:\*.pdf
After the dash -, it is the option k which is used to set PDF keywords. You can set as many PDF keywords as you want. Just make sure they are enclosed by a pair of quotation marks. The first example can convert a single Excel to PDF and the second example can convert multiple Excel to PDF files. Please type a command line in your command prompt window to meet your requirement. Don’t forget to press Enter after typing a command line.
These are the two steps you should take to Convert Excel to PDF and set PDF keywords. Is VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) easy to use? In case you want to buy it, please click full version .