I recommend you to use VeryPDF Document Converter to convert PPT to PCX. VeryPDF Document Converter is a kind of all-to-all document converter, which can generates more than 100 image formats from all printable files. Besides, support batch conversion.
VeryPDF Document Converter is also known as docPrint Pro. If provides four applications including the command line application named docPrint Pro Command line. This article will focus on docPrint Pro Command Line, and show you how to convert PPT to PCX.
First of all, you should download Document Converter. After you insatll this powerful converter on your computer, you can try it free for 100 times. If you open the installation folder, you can find the executable file doc2pedf.exe, which in fact is docPrint Pro Command line.
Second, after you install Document Converter, please open a command prompt window. There are multiple ways to open the prompt window even under the same version of Windows, let alone under different versions. For example, if you are under Windows XP, you can choose any of the following ways to open the command prompt window:
- Click Start to open the Start menu. > Click Command Prompt on the Start menu.
- Click Start > click Run > type cmd in the Run dialog box > click OK.
- Click Start > point to All Programs > point to Accessories > click Command Prompt.
Third, when you see the command prompt window that appears, please type a command line according to the following command line syntax:
doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
If you want to convert multiple PPT files to PCX files, please type a command line as the following examples:
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i C:\*.ppt -o E:\*.pcx
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i C:\i*.ppt -o E:\t*.pcx
If you want convert a PPT to PCX, please type a command line as the following one:
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i C:\1.ppt -o E:\out.pcx
Please remember to press Enter after type a command line. And this is the method you can use to convert PPT to PCX. You can also use docPrint Pro Command Line to convert between other types of files. If you want to get more information about docPrint Pro Command Line and other versions contained in Document Converter, please visit the following website: http://verypdf.com/artprint/index.html