With PDFcamp Printer, you can use three ways to convert webpage to pdf easily, which can be effected in the basic conversion with the virtual printer, the conversion in batch and the conversion with the command line separately.
First of all, please install PDFcamp Printer Pro in your computer. Here is the download link: https://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/pdfcamp_enterprise.exe, please click it to download the installer, and then double-click it to install PDFcamp Printer Pro in your computer, then follow the wizard to finish the installation.
Open your web browser to open a webpage, then click “Ctrl + P” to get the print panel, then click the edit-box of “Name” and select “Printcamp Printer”, then to select the destination folder and start the conversion from webpage to pdf, please click “ok”. Here is the related picture, which you can refer to:
With this method, you will know how to use PDFcamp Printer Pro to process the task in batch.
First, please open the folder “VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer Pro v2.3” in your computer, and double-click “BatchPDF.exe” to get its interface. On the interface, please click “Open” > select the webpage files> click “Open” of the dialog box, then the print panels are popup again, where you need to select “PDFcamp Printer”, click “Apply” and “Print” in turns and separately, then another dialog box can be popup in order to make you save the objective pdf files, and select the destination folder and click “save” of the dialog box, later, the objective pdf files can be produced into the destination folder. Here is the relative picture you may need to refer to:
This method can show you how to print webpage file to pdf file with the command line, whose precondition is to make the source file in the same folder with “BatchPDF.exe”.
Click “Windows+R” > type “cmd.exe” > click “ok” to launch the running environment of the command lines, which is the command prompt window in Windows platform. After you open it in your computer, at the current directory, please refer to the following example to process the task in the command prompt window:
cd<space>the path of the folder containing “BatchPDF.exe”<enter>
(note: <space> and <enter> are the essential operation of clicking “space” and “enter”)
- “cd<space>the path of the folder containing “BatchPDF.exe”<enter>” are to change directory and enter into the directory of the folder containing “BatchPDF.exe”, which is the launching program of PDFcamp Printer Pro
- “BatchPDF.exe<space>source.htm<space>target.pdf<enter>” are to launch PDFcamp Printer Pro, add the source file with the file name and the file extension, customize the objective file name and the file extension and start the conversion with the click on “enter”
- select “PDCcamp Printer on Print panel and click “Print”, then a dialog box of “Save As” is popup, and you need to select the objective folder for saving the pdf file with the click on “Save” of the dialog box, later, the pdf file can be added into the destination folder
The following picture is about the exact conversion:
By now, it is accomplished to print webpage to pdf with the virtual printer, the program of “BatchPDF.exe” to get the process in batch and the process with the command line. Any more questions about PDFcamp Printer Pro, please click this link to know more: https://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/pdfcamp.htm, to buy it online, you can click this link: https://www.verypdf.com/order_pdfcamppro.html.