Do you know how to convert RTF to EMF?

If you want to convert RTF to EMF, it is a good idea to use HTML Converter to realize it on computers of Windows systems. 🙂

You can visit homepage of HTML Converter to know more of this software, which is also one software illustrated on our official website of verypdf. 🙂

Here is the method to convert RTF to EMF with HTML Converter:

Step1. Install HTML Converter after you double click installer of HTML Converter.

Step2. Open HTML Converter on your computer, then click “Add Files” on GUI interface > select RTF file in pop dialog box, finally, one click on “open” will make this RTF file added for process, whose path can appear in processing form directly.

interface of HTML Converter select targeting format as EMF

Step3. Then, you need to set objective format as EMF with button “setting” on GUI interface, which can also help you with some properties of EMF: click “setting” on GUI interface > select tab “Base Settings” there, then you can click “.emf” on dropdown list of “Output format” so that targeting file type is EMF successfully. In addition, to edit page orientation of EMF, it is easy to click radio of “Portrait” or “Landscape” accordingly; to edit size and dimension of EMF, please click one option on dropdown list of “Image Resolution” ( bigger DPI leads to bigger size and dimension accordingly ). Finally, to click “ok” button there will help you save your settings and lead you to GUI interface.

Step4. At last, to select destination folder and produce EMF file, button of “Start” can help you realize them one time: click “Start” > select a folder as targeting folder and click “ok” in dialog box of “Browse for Folder”, then EMF file can be produced from RTF into targeting folder automatically. 🙂

After you know the method to convert RTF to EMF with HTML Converter, if you have any confusion about this process or illustration of mine here, welcome to drop your messages here, then our technique support will contact you at once. 🙂

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