Question: Normally, PDF files can be edited by applications like Adobe Acrobat Writer. And when we open the PDF files in applications like adobe acrobat reader, we can select the contents. I need the codes of Visual C++ that can create the PDF file and make it's content uneditable and users can't select the contents. Is there any solution on VeryPDF?
Answer: According to your needs, I can give you two solutions of solving this matter in my knowledge scope. Solution one, when creating PDF, you can create image PDF then it will be quite hard to be edited. When creating image PDF from editable file, you can have a free trial of software VeryPDF Document Printer, which can help you print any printable file to image PDF. Solution 2, you can encrypt PDF by owner password and disable all the limitations. Then the users could read the PDF file but they can edit the encrypted PDF file. Here I will make focus to introduce solution 2, in next article, I will show you how to create image PDF from files.
Step 1. Free download Encrypt PDF COM
- If you need to encrypt PDF from Visual C++, you’d better download the COM version. As there are many code templates of calling this software from other programming languages.
- When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can check related elements and help documents.
Step 2. Encrypt PDF for making PDF readable but secure from Visual C++
- When you use this software, please refer to code template and usage.
- Here are some parameters you may use for disable PDF limitations.
- When encrypt PDF from Visual C++, please refer to the following code template.
-u : user password.
-w : owner password.
-p : permission print.
-c : permission copy.
-m : permission modify.
-n : enable adding and changing text notes and AcroForm fields.
-e [128 or 40 ] : set encrypt level.
-k : set for all permission bits.
-v : view the PDF file after encrypt.
If you do not add those parameters when encrypt PDF, this software will help you disable all the permissions for secure.
void main()
int encyptlevel,permission=0;
char srcpath[_MAX_PATH];
char despath[_MAX_PATH];
BOOL m_bIsSucceed = FALSE;
//example 1
m_bIsSucceed = veryTestEncryptedPDF(despath,"owner","user");
Now please check encrypting PDF effect from the following snapshot.
During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.