Do you provide a virtual PDF printer that can save print jobs to encrypted PDF files automatically from any printable documents?
My customers want to print documents to a Virtual PDF Printer, these documents will be converted to encrypted PDF files, add a dynamic watermark to PDF files, save them to a folder or upload them to a web server, these processes will be done automatically and without user intervention.
Best Regards
Yes, we have several PDF Virtual Printers, for example,
1. PDFcamp Printer,
2. docPrint Printer and docPrint Pro products,
3. VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer Driver,
4. Virtual Printer Based on PCL Printer Driver
5. EMF/PDF/Image Virtual Printer Driver SDK for Windows - Royalty Free
6. PDF Virtual Printer Based on Postscript Printer Driver
Above products are all our virtual printers, if you are looking for a simple but powerful Virtual Printer, I suggest you may choose "PDF Virtual Printer Based on Postscript Printer Driver" product, this product is very simple, but it has more functions, you can integrate it into your product to convert any printable documents to PDF files easily. You can control this Virtual PDF Printer by a single .ini file, it's very simple but powerful,
You may download the trial version from following web page to try,
You can use .ini file to control the how to re-process the final PDF files, for example,
1. Encrypt PDF files using a predefined password or dynamic password, the dynamic password can be extracted from printed contents, such as user name, birth date, ID or other information.
2. Add dynamic watermark if you want.
3. Send PDF files by email, by predefined SMTP options,
4. Submit PDF files to a cloud server using HTTP and PHP,
5. Transfer PDF files to a web server using FTP,
6. more and more other processes.
Please feel free to let us know if you need any assistance, thank you.