How can we convert German PDF file to German JPEG file in PDF To Image Converter v2.1?
Here is the method on it quickly:
1. Open your German pdf file in your PDF To Image Converter v2.1 to get a preview by clicking to select one pdf file that you need from the window ,at the same time, you can use other icons near like in the same row above the preview area to preview your German PDF file in details. The pictures below can show you more information:
You can print your German pdf file if you need by clicking the icon in green loop in the above picture.
2. Use button to add your pdf route under “PDF File” and get your target file type as “JPG” format, then click button to select your space for your pdf file by pressing down “OK” button in the pop window:
3. Here we set “Compression” field as “JPEG” or you can choose “None” if you do not need compression format of JPEG and make “Quality” as 75 here(the more higher this value is , the more clear your jpeg picture is). And set “Image bitcount” as “Auto” here to get the same quality as pdf file.At last, press down “Convert” button to convert your pdf file.
Download PDF To Image Converter v2.1 :
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