How to convert documents of MS Office to bitmap?

This article I will talk about a way for file format converting from Office to bitmap. This way is available for all the Office files like, PPT, Excel or others to bitmap or other image file formats. If you are interested in this topic, this article will be helpful for you.

Bitmap is short as bmp which is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. If you need to convert all the Office files to bmp file, you can follow the following steps.

Step 1. Download Document Converter.

Document Converter is a file format converter, as its names implies, it can convert all the printable files to image files or PDF files. It can also do the batch conversion in a quick mode. If you feel this converter will be helpful for you, you can get one copy of it form this following link. It is free but if you need the full function version, you have to pay for it on its homepage.

Step 2. Add files to it.

There are three ways about adding files for you to choose. If the files are kept on the desktop, please simply drag all of them to its interface. If the files are kept here and there, you have to click the button “Add File”. If you need to add online files, please press option “File” on the top then go to “Add URL”. By pressing option “File”, you can find many other adding files ways.

Step 3. Choose output file format.

Our aim is to convert Office to bitmap; we should set the output file format as bmp which is short for bitmap in the dropdown list that is stated in the “Base setting” sub menu label where you can enter by clicking the button “Setting”.

A sub menu label which is named as “Save image mode” can help you adjust the image resolution and color depth for the converted files. Once you finish the setting part, you can back to its main interface by clicking the button “OK”.

Step 4. Run the conversion.

Click the button “Start” to choose a folder to save the converted image files. Then the conversion from Office to bitmap will be processed automatically. And the process reminder will show you the conversion process by the percentage. Once the conversion finishes, the process reminder will disappear. The conversion will last three seconds then you can use the converted files in the chosen folder.

This is the end of the conversion from Office to bitmap. Thanks for your reading in advance.

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