I am trialing image2pdf command line, and on most faxes it works great. On some faxes, the output is vertically "squashed." Attached is the in and out files so you can see, and let me know if there is a command string to correct this. Please test it and let me know. We are interested in purchasing licences for our medical practice. Please delete the files when you are done for priacy reasons.
Thank you,
Please run following command line to convert your TIFF file to PDF file correctly,
img2pdf.exe -o "D:\temp3\verypdf.pdf" "D:\temp3\verypdf.tif"
please refer to converted PDF file in attachment.
Thanks for the help. In my situation, I need to batch convert files in a directory using this command line:
img2pdf -o "E:\Desktop\verypdf\*.pdf" "E:\Desktop\verypdf\*.tif"
It seems using the quotations fixed that problem. Thanks!
1. However, if I add the skew correction (-s) it still remains compressed vertically. Any fix for that? I like that feature, and it seems to smooth out the B&W jaggies...
2. Any way to improve file compression? Adobe Acrobat seems to be able to compress smaller by default.
3. Any way to run a batch file in the background to continuously convert files as they are added to a folder? We use Win 7 Pro.
Thanks for your help.
1). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, we will research this problem shortly, we will let you know after this problem is solved.
2). 3).
Our Image2PDF Command Line product hasn't above two functions now, sorry for this matter.
We will able to use JBIG2 compression to compress the BW images in PDF file, this will compress your PDF files up to 50% smaller compare to CCITT G4 PDF files.