When you want to convert the image file of wmf to pdf by command line, you can try the command line application Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line. It is a kind of tool which can convert EMF, RTF and WMF, etc. metafile to PDF document with only three steps. At the same time, the application supports the usual PDF features, including compression and 128 bit encryption.
You can download the free trial version of Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line at https://www.verypdf.com/tif2pdf/image2pdf_emf2pdf_cmd.zip. This application offers two licenses for users: sever license and developer license. If you buy the sever license, you can use it on your sever. If you buy the developer license, you can use it to develop you own new applications.
Before running the application, you have to open a MS-DOS command prompt window, which is the first step of the conversion from wmf to pdf. You should click “Start” to open the start menu and click “Run” button in start menu for opening “Run” dialog box. Then please input “CMD” or “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button for opening MS-DOS command prompt window.
To open MS-DOS command prompt window, you can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box at first and then do the same work in “Run” dialog box.
Then please input command line for converting wmf to pdf in MS-DOS command line prompt window, which is the second step in the conversion. The command line is like the following basic template:
emf2pdf.exe C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf
From the sample, you can see there are three parts in total: called program which is the executable file of Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line emf2pdf.exe, source file and target file.
In your own command line, you need to use the path of each file, please see the following example.
"C:\Program Files\image2pdf_emf2pdf_cmd3.2\emf2pdf.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\wmf\AN00914_.WMF" "C:\Documents and Settings\output.pdf”
"C:\Program Files\image2pdf_emf2pdf_cmd3.2\emf2pdf.exe" is the path of emf2pdf.exe.
"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\wmf\AN00914_.WMF" is the path of input WMF file.
"C:\Documents and Settings\output.pdf” is the path of target PDF document, which is the one you should set by yourself.
Then please click “Enter” button on the keyboard, which is the last step in the conversion. You will see the target file in the location you have set when the conversion comes to the end. To learn more information about Metafile to PDF Converter Command Line, you can visit its homepage at https://www.verypdf.com/pdfcamp/rtf2pdf.html.