When people convert files to image file like convert PCL to TIF, they may want to set color depth. By setting color depth, they can get color images, grey scale images or monochrome images. VeryPDF PCL Converter is designed to help users to solve such problems.
In the following part, it will take four steps to introduce how to use VeryPDF PCL Converter to convert PCL to TIF and set color depth. Please click VeryPDF PCL Converter to download this tool, install it and then do as follows:
1. open VeryPDF PCL Converter
Please find the icon of VeryPDF PCL Converter on the desktop, and double click the icon to open VeryPDF PCL Converter. Then the interface as follows will appear on the desktop.
2. input PCL files
You can input the PCL files you want to convert by dragging and dropping them to the list box of the interface. Then the files will be listed on the interface. If you want to change the order of the listed files, please click Move Up or Move Down. If you want to remove some files, please press the Delete key.
3. set output format and color depth
To specify TIF as the output format and to set color depth, please do as follows:
- Click Setting on the interface to open the dialog box for settings.
- Click the Output format combo box, and choose .tif in the list.
- Click the Save Image Mode tab to switch to the corresponding tab control.
- Click the Image Color Depth combo box, and select an option form the list.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
4. export TIF files
Click Start on the main interface, select a folder in the dialog box that pops out and click OK to close the dialog box. Then the computer will prompt to convert PCL to TIF with the specified color depth.
I hope this article clearly explains the method on how to convert PCL to TIF and set color depth. If you want to get more information about VeryPDF PCL Converter or buy it, please visit: https://www.verypdf.com/pcltools/index.html