VeryPDF Screen OCR can help you OCR screen capture in Windows systems.
To know more of VeryPDF Screen OCR, please go to homepage of VeryPDF Screen OCR, which is one illustration page on official website of verypdf. To own this VeryPDF Screen OCR right now, please get installer of VeryPDF Screen OCR > double click it and follow setup wizard to install VeryPDF Screen OCR on your computer. 🙂
Here is the way to OCR screen capture with VeryPDF Screen OCR:
1. Run VeryPDF Screen OCR on your computer
Double click shortcut of VeryPDF Screen OCR on screen, then its GUI interface can be opened.
2. Prepare to use OCR technology according to language of text on screen that you will capture
To make OCR technology OCR screen more accurately, first, please make sure which language your text on screen that will be captured later is, then please select one option on dropdown list of “Language” on GUI interface.
3. Then, please click “capture” > drag arrow key onto a proper place on opened file on screen, then drop arrow key so that frame of capture zone can appear on screen, where you can drag any point of frame to a proper position in order to adjust frame of capture zone flexibly. However, to save this snapshot, please click pop button of “Save to file”; to OCR screen capture, please click pop button of “OCR”.
4. After one click on “OCR”, there is a window named “OCR Result” appearing on screen, which indicates it is successful to OCR screen capture, at the same time, a window named “OCR history” is opened, too, which is used for thumbnails of all processed screen captures, if you want to delete one of them, you can click it > hit button “Delete” at the bottom of this window. To preview screen snapshot in detail, you can click any tool buttons above preview panel there; to save this text from screen capture, please click “File” > select “save text” or click so that text can be saved in default folder; but if you click “File” > select “save text as” or click Â
on this window, your text will be saved in one folder that is selected by you in pop dialog box with one click on “save” there.
So far, description about how to OCR screen capture with VeryPDF Screen OCR is like above, so you are welcomed to leave your messages here for our perfect support, if there are something you do not understand. At last, thank you for joining here. 🙂