We want to use the split feature of PDF Toolbox. How do we get it to name the respective pages the way we want them? We want [file]p01, [file]p02, etc. Thanks.
I mean that I want the pages to be named with the letter "p" followed by a number.
I've a question, I am using PDF Toolbox Command Line software to split pages of a pdf file from php. using following command,
$command = escapeshellcmd("pdftoolbox ").escapeshellarg("/var/www/card/card.pdf")." ".escapeshellcmd(" -split");
$result = passthru($command);
it's working very well, and splitting the pages into files.
now my question is can i set the output location where burst files should be store.
by default it is placing the the files at site web root, where as I want the files at /var/www/card/pages/ directory.
is there any way to do this in PDF Toolbox?
Please please help me with this...
Thanks for your message, you can specify the output directory and the name format with the "-outfile" parameter of pdftoolbox, you can try with following command line, e.g.,
pdftoolbox.exe D:\sample_in2.pdf -split -outfile D:\file_%02d.pdf
OR on linux system, you can try with,
pdftoolbox /var/www/sample_in2.pdf -split -outfile /var/www/file_%02d.pdf
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