A good Document Management software with some extensibility

Question: We are looking forward for some good document management suits/applications, with some extensibility. The customers will submit various documents, and this need to be stored using the system for later review and verification. Customers can come back any time to view/modify these documents.We need to integrate this with the existing .NET product stack, so some APIs for uploading/retrieving documents are expected, along with some out of the box functionality to edit the documents online.
Expected document support include PDF, doc etc. Added - We are also considering cloud based services, is there such one on VeryPDF?

Answer: If you need to some cloud based API for document management with some extensibility, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryPDF ShareFile, by which your customers can submit various documents like PDF, Doc and others then the submitted files will be stored allowing them for further review and verification. For now this software can be used to integrate this with the existing .NET product stack, but if you need, please contact us then we will customize one for you at once. Except this function, I feel ShareFile API can cater to all your needs.


Support various document management API

  • This software supports files like Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX), Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX),Adobe Photoshop (.PSD),Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG),PostScript (.EPS, .PS),TrueType (.TTF),XML Paper Specification (.XPS), Adobe PDF and MS Office 2003 files and others. In a word, it supports most of the common files. So by this document management API, you can manage various documents.
  • Its extensibility. By this software you can upload file with file size limitation, you can upload as many as you need.
  • All the uploaded files will be saved 7 days during those days, you can update them, edit them and then add more casually.

Why it's good for you.

  • Converts all files mentioned above like PowerPoint presentation (PPT) file into a web page that can be viewed in a browser or embedded into another web page. Even if you don't have the Adobe Acrobat, PowerPoint and any other related software installed and you can also make those document available to others to view in their browser. Based on this ability, so you can do document management through this API easily.
  • This software is totally free and without user number limitation. Anyone can do through this document management API without logging or registering an account. And anyone who know the share ID can check and view the uploaded file. So it is quite easy to operate, you do not need to teach your customers how to use it.

By this mode under the help of this cloud based API, I feel you can do document management through API easily. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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