Search and Find text in PDF files from Command Line


I tried in cmd of windows, the following command line doesn't work,

pdftr.exe -searchtext "string" C:\in.pdf

I wanted to use the trial version to tested, and I don't have any key.
It is the reason why it doesn't work?

Best regards,
I would like to run batch process for -searchtext with a folder un subfolders with *.pdf. would it possible using cmd?

how I can get it? I attached one example of pdf file and the "string" as "lipid".

thank you.

VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer Command Line (pdftr.exe),

You can run following command line to search "lipid" in PDF file,

pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid D:\downloads\verypdf.pdf

You will get the result like below,

pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid D:\downloads\verypdf.pdf

===== Search keyword in page 1 =====
[242.06, 314.72, 257.67, 321.88] 'mality of lipid metabolism in metabolic syndrome. TAGs consist of various molecular species, caused by'
[466.29, 352.98, 481.89, 360.14] 'effective method for global analysis of TAG molecular species from complex lipid mixtures of mouse liver'
[42.73, 384.49, 57.93, 390.86] 'Lipidomics'
[525.51, 540.75, 542.86, 548.70] 'in distinguishing TAG molecular species from complex lipid mix-'
[510.27, 634.89, 527.61, 642.85] 'global analysis of TAG molecular species in complex lipid mixtures'
===== Search keyword in page 2 =====
[455.51, 150.28, 472.85, 158.23] 'bottom organic layer containing the total lipid extract was collected'
[183.06, 444.05, 196.93, 450.42] 'Fig. 1. Two-dimensional (2D) maps of complex lipid mixtures from mouse liver'
[74.80, 461.19, 88.67, 467.55] 'analysis. The lipid mixtures of mouse liver were eluted in the following order:'
[214.42, 478.33, 228.29, 484.69] 'characteristically detected in mouse liver. Meanwhile, the lipid mixtures of WAT'
[353.09, 579.17, 370.44, 587.12] 'Individual lipid molecules of complex lipid mixtures from mouse'
[301.41, 610.55, 318.75, 618.51] 'lipid molecules were eluted in the following order: phospholipids'
[335.25, 641.93, 352.60, 649.89] 'complex lipid mixtures, individual TAG molecular species were sep-'
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 3 =====
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 4 =====
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 5 =====
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 6 =====
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 7 =====
===== Found Nothing for keyword (lipid) in page 8 =====
===== Search keyword in page 9 =====
[115.66, 383.79, 133.00, 391.74] 'the abnormality of lipid metabolism such as obesity.'
[413.78, 387.93, 428.98, 394.30] 'R.A. Coleman, D.P. Lee, Prog. Lipid Res. 43 (2004) 134.'
[417.50, 403.87, 432.70, 410.24] 'D.M. Schwartz, N.E. Wolins, J. Lipid Res. 48 (2007) 2514.'
[216.51, 447.05, 233.85, 455.01] 'number acyl carbon chain from the complex lipid mixtures with-'
[230.29, 499.35, 247.63, 507.31] 'proling of TAG molecular species and identifying lipid biomarkers.'
[391.39, 499.52, 406.59, 505.88] 'X. Han, R.W. Gross, J. Lipid Res. 44 (2003) 1071.'
[511.86, 539.37, 527.05, 545.73] 'F. Giuffrida, F. Destaillats, L.H. Skibsted, F. Dionisi, Chem. Phys. Lipids 131 (2004)'

If you want to search text in all PDF files (*.pdf) in a single folder, you can run following command line,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid "%F"

If you want to search text in all PDF files (*.pdf) in a folder and its subfolders, you can run following command line,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid "%F"

You can replace "D:\temp" folder and "D:\VeryPDF\pdftr.exe" filename with correct paths in your system, then you can run above command lines to search text in PDF files easily. If you wish put above command lines into a .bat file for batch searching, you need replace "%" with "%%" in .bat file, for example,

for %%F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid "%%F"

for /r D:\temp %%F in (*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdftr.exe -searchtext lipid "%%F"


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