Product's name PDFPrint Command Line v3.80
Operating System windows 7
I have downloaded and tested the PDFPrint Command Line v3.80 before purchasing it.
There is a nUP parameter which can print multiple pages on one sheet in readme.txt .
I have tried to set this nUP parameter in command line many times,but it do not work.
It's still just one page in one paper.
how can I do ?
"-nup" option is support EMF-SPL format only, it doesn't support PDF format yet.
However, you can use -savedevmode and -loaddevmode options to implement nUp function.
You may by following steps to adjust nUp, margins, duplex, paper size, staple, fold, tray (paper source), etc. options,
1. Please run following command line to prompt the user Printer Dialog and save the printer settings to a disk file,
pdfprint.exe -savedevmode D:\printer.dat -printer "Your Printer Name"
2. In the Printer Dialog, you can set following options, such as,
set nUp option to printer,
set "Duplex" option to "Top-Top" or others,
set default paper tray to "Tray 3" or others,
set the paper size to "11x17" or others,
set other options that you want,
set staple to "on" or others,
set fold or staple option,
set double sided printing option,
set tray (paper source) option,
set dithering option,
specify the paper "type", for example: Plain, High Quality, Color Specific, Coated GL, Coated ML, Coated GO and Coated MO, etc.
click "OK" to close Printer Dialog, you will get a D:\printer.dat file,
3. Please run following command line to load the devmode from disk file and set it to printer,
pdfprint.exe -loaddevmode D:\printer.dat -printer "Your Printer Name" D:\input.pdf
4. OK, you will able to print your PDF file with correct options.
We hope above solution will helpful to you, please give it a try.