How to automatically highlight keywords in the PDF text contents? Highlight, Underline, and Cross Out text in pdf documents. Convert keywords to clickable hyperlinks.

You can easily add hyperlinks, add highlight, underline, and cross out text in a PDF document by VeryPDF PDF Highlighter Command Line software. VeryPDF PDF Highlighter Command Line is a Command Line application, you can run it in CMD window by manual or call it from a script or call it from your application to batch highlight your PDF files. VeryPDF PDF Highlighter Command Line software can be downloaded from this web page,

You can use PDF Highlighter Command Line to highlight multiple search keyword and phrases with ease, you can also highlight and save the search keyword in a new PDF file.

Some customers are often ask us for following questions,


How to automatically highlight and save the search keyword in a pdf?

How to dynamically highlight and save, the keyword searched in a pdf document, with the Preview application?

For example, I want to highlight all the 'Apple' keyword in a document and save it, so when I open the document again, I see all the 'Apple' keywords are highlighted.

Highlight words in PDF

I have one PDF and some keywords. What I need is to search for those keywords in the PDF, highlight them in PDF, and save it. After this, I have to view this PDF in Google Docs and the words should be highlighted in it. I have to do this from command line or a script.


But Adobe Reader and Mac Preview applications haven't an option to save the searched keywords to the PDF file, however, you can use PDF Highlighter Command Line software to highlight the keywords in a PDF file and save to a new PDF file with ease.


After you download application, you can unzip it to a folder, then you can run following command lines to convert keywords from your PDF file to hyperlinks, highlight annotations and other type of annotations,

VeryPDF PDF Highlighter Command Line version 3.0
Copyright 1996-2018 Inc.
Product Name: VeryPDF PDF Highlighter Command Line
Usage: pdfhl.exe [options] <PDF-file>
  -opw <string>                    : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>                    : user password (for encrypted files)
  -configfile <string>             : Use a configure file to process PDF file
  -detectfilename <int>            : detect and add hyperlinks to filenames in PDF contents
  -checkiffileexists <int>         : add hyperlinks to filenames which exist on disk only
  -allowedextension <string>       : add hyperlinks to filenames which have allowed extensions
      -allowedextension ".PDF;.DOC;.DOCX;.XLS;.XLSX;.PPT;.PPTX;.TXT;.RTF;.TIF;.JPG;.PNG;.GIF;.HTM;.HTML;.ZIP;.RAR"
  -detecturl <int>                 : detect and add hyperlinks to URLs in PDF contents
  -bordercolor <string>            : set border color to hyperlinks
      -bordercolor #FF0000
      -bordercolor #00FF00
      -bordercolor #0000FF
  -borderwidth <int>               : set border width to hyperlinks
  -caseinsensitive <int>           : enable or disable Case Insensitive for searching
  -linestyle <int>                 : set LineStyle to the border of hyperlinks
      -linestyle 0: solid border
      -linestyle 1: dashed border
      -linestyle 2: beveled (three-dimensional) border
      -linestyle 3: inset border
      -linestyle 4: underlined border
  -linethickness <int>             : set LineThickness to the border of hyperlinks. 0: Invisible, 1: Thin, 2: Medium, 3: Thick
  -linedash1 <int>                 : set LineDash1 to dash line
  -linedash2 <int>                 : set LineDash2 to dash line
  -highlightstyle <int>            : set HighlightStyle. 0: None, 1: Invert, 2: Outline, 3: Inset
  -keywords-to-urls <string>       : add hyperlinks to keywords
      -keywords-to-urls "VeryPDF=>"
      -keywords-to-urls "VeryDOC=>"
      -keywords-to-urls "VeryPDF=>||VeryDOC=>"
      -keywords-to-urls "VeryPDF=>||PDF Editor=>"

  -keywords-to-highlighter <string>: add background colors to keywords
      -keywords-to-highlighter "PDFcamp Printer=>[color:#FF0000;opacity:20]"
      -keywords-to-highlighter "PDFcamp Printer=>[color:#FF0000;opacity:20]||PDF to Word=>[color:#00FF00;opacity:20]||PDF to Text=>[color:#0000FF;opacity:20]||PDF Highlighter=>[color:#800000;opacity:20]"

  -keywords-to-annotation <string> : add annotations to keywords
      -keywords-to-annotation "PDF Password Remover=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FFFF00; opacity:80; StampName:SBConfidential]"
      -keywords-to-annotation "PDF Password Remover=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FFFF00; opacity:80; StampName:SBConfidential]||PDF to Image Converter=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FF00FF; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]||docPrint Virtual Printer=>[type:10; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FF0000; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]||Image to PDF Converter=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#00FFFF; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]"

  -autoview                        : view resultant PDF file automatically
  -h                               : print usage information
  -help                            : print usage information
  --help                           : print usage information
  -?                               : print usage information
  -$ <string>                      : input your license key
   pdfhl.exe -configfile "D:\Highlighter.ini" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -autoview -configfile "D:\Highlighter.ini" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -opw 123 -upw 456 -configfile "D:\Highlighter.ini" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -detectfilename 1 -checkiffileexists 1 -allowedextension ".PDF;.DOC;.DOCX;.XLS;.XLSX;.PPT;.PPTX;.TXT;.RTF;.TIF;.JPG;.PNG;.GIF;.HTM;.HTML;.ZIP;.RAR" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -detecturl 1 -bordercolor #FF0000 -borderwidth 3 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -caseinsensitive 1 -linestyle 0 -linethickness 3 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -linestyle 1 -linedash1 6 -linedash2 1 -highlightstyle 3 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-urls "VeryPDF=>" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-urls "VeryPDF=>||VeryDOC=>" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-highlighter "PDFcamp Printer=>[color:#FF0000;opacity:20]" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-highlighter "PDFcamp Printer=>[color:#FF0000;opacity:20]||PDF to Word=>[color:#00FF00;opacity:20]||PDF to Text=>[color:#0000FF;opacity:20]||PDF Highlighter=>[color:#800000;opacity:20]" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-annotation "PDF Password Remover=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FFFF00; opacity:80; StampName:SBConfidential]" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdfhl.exe -keywords-to-annotation "PDF Password Remover=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FFFF00; opacity:80; StampName:SBConfidential]||PDF to Image Converter=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FF00FF; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]||docPrint Virtual Printer=>[type:10; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#FF0000; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]||Image to PDF Converter=>[type:8; title:VeryPDF title; contents:VeryPDF contents; color:#00FFFF; opacity:100; StampName:SBConfidential]" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf

Highlight Text By Search

This software can search for a list of user-specified words and phrases and automatically highlight them in the PDF document. Text can be highlighted with a single color or using 20 different automatically assigned colors (each search term is highlighted with a different color):


Fast and powerful hit highlighting for PDF

PDF Highlighter can mark terms in a document by a highlight configure file. Highlighter supports advanced search options including:

  • Phrases and proximity search
  • Wildcards
  • Fuzzy search
  • Synonyms
  • Language specific text analysis (e.g. stemming) for 30 languages

Alternatively, instead of feeding Highlighter with search terms, the highlight file can be used to specify locations of text that should be marked in the document.

Multicolor hit highlighting

PDF Highlighter ensures that same terms are assigned the same color. The highlighter automatically assigns colors to different terms, making the document review process more user-friendly and efficient. The color coding feature makes PDF Highlighter ideal for document forensics and natural language processing (NLP) tools as well—where the number of marked terms is much higher than for simple user queries.

Batch PDF processing

Batch highlighter can automatically annotate all your PDF documents using a file containing predefined keywords and phrases. You can assign a color to each individual phrase and optionally a category tag. PDF file created by the tool will open on the first keyword occurrence. btw, Generated PDF can be opened in any PDF viewer.

Create keyword links automatically

With PDF Highlighter Command Line software, you can turn every occurrence of a particular word or phrase into an active hyperlink. For example, you could make all occurrences of your company name in your document link through to your company web site. The Auto Keyword Link tool gives you the choice of going through each occurrence and approving them one at a time, or you can just convert all occurrences automatically in the one go.

Links can be set to execute a variety of actions such as open a URL or external file, go to a specific page or named destination, or even the next instance of the word in the document.

We suggest you may download the trial version of PDF Highlighter Command Line software from our website for evaluation first,

If you encounter any problem with our software, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.

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How to automatically highlight keywords in the PDF text contents? Highlight, Underline, and Cross Out text in pdf documents. Convert keywords to clickable hyperlinks., 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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One Reply to “How to automatically highlight keywords in the PDF text contents? Highlight, Underline, and Cross Out text in pdf documents. Convert keywords to clickable hyperlinks.”

  1. Do you want to replace keywords to another text in PDF pages? if yes, please look at VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer Command Line software, this software can be used to replace text in PDF pages easily,

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