Error 429, ActiveX component can’t create object. It happens when VB tries to run the htmltools.exe application


I have downloaded your trial version of htmltools.exe.

I wish to use it in a VB6 program that I use. In my program, I can only generate .rtf files, but my client now wants .pdf.

I tried to use your included VB example, but I get the following error when I try to to run it.

Error 429, ActiveX component can't create object. It happens when VB tries to run the line

Set HTMLConverter = CreateObject("HtmlSchee.HtmlShell")

The program is being tested on a Windows 10 PC.

Thank you in advance

All the best.
I tested your VB sample program on an old Windows XP PC and it works fine. I think it’s a Windows 10 issue.



Thanks for your message, on the Windows 10 system, you need run the software with administrator privilege, you will able to get it work fine.


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Error 429, ActiveX component can't create object. It happens when VB tries to run the htmltools.exe application, 2.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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