How many files does HTML Converter GUI for Windows allow to process at the same time. What is a max number HTML files I can choose to convert in one process

Hello, I am almost decided to buy your product. It looks very good. Please note I do not need highly advanced converter, however it must be Desktop PDF Tool to give me 100% security. 3 more questions please.

1) Is HTML Converter GUI for Windows a Desktop PDF Tool and does it cost $59?
2) How many files does HTML Converter GUI for Windows allow to process at the same time. What is a max number HTML files I can choose to convert in one process?
3) Regarding below mentioned point 7 because I am not sure. Please confirm that VeryPDF has no access to my converted documents and my computer when processing via HTML Converter GUI for Windows.


>>1) Is HTML Converter GUI for Windows a Desktop PDF Tool and does it cost $59?

Thanks for your message, the cost of HTML Converter GUI for Windows a Desktop PDF Tool, its cost is USD59, however, HTML Converter (htmltools.exe) Command Line is work better than HTML Converter GUI, the cost of HTML Converter (htmltools.exe) Command Line is USD399 per system.

>>2) How many files does HTML Converter GUI for Windows allow to process at the same time. What is a max number HTML files I can choose to convert in one process?

HTML Converter GUI can only process one HTML file to PDF file at same time.
HTML Converter (htmltools.exe) Command Line can convert larger number of HTML files to PDF files at same time, so you can use it to convert more HTML files to PDF files simultaneously.

>>3) Regarding below mentioned point 7 because I am not sure. Please confirm that VeryPDF has no access to my converted documents and my computer when processing via HTML Converter GUI for Windows.

I can confirm that VeryPDF don't access to any documents in your system, please don't worry about this matter.

>>Will the name of pdf file be the same as converted htnl file with settings "Convert multiple Documents to multiple PDF files"
>>For example 123.html and after the conversion as result 123.pdf
>>For example abcd.html and after the conversion as result abcd.pdf

Yes, this can be done easily by HTML Converter (htmltools.exe) Command Line software, for example,

#1: Convert all HTML files to PDF files in D:\temp folder,
for %F in (D:\temp\*.html) do htmltools.exe -webkit "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

#2: Process all PDF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.html) do htmltools.exe -webkit "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

btw, the HTML Converter GUI has only one conversion mode, but HTML Converter (htmltools.exe) Command Line has three conversion modes, you may download them from our website and try them by yourself,

You can run following command lines to convert from HTML files to PDF files at same time,

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX test.htm _test1.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _web1.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -html2pdf2 test.htm _test_html2pdf2.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit test.htm _test_webkit.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit _web_webkit.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit _verypdf_webkit.pdf

htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 test.htm _test_webkit2.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 -width 1080 -height 1080 _web_webkit2.pdf
htmltools.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -webkit2 -width 1080 -height 1080 _verypdf_webkit2.pdf


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