Using pcltool command line, is there a way to force the pdf to 8.5 x 11 inch?
Thanks for your message, you can run following command line to convert your PCL file to PDF file with letter paper size,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryPDF PCL Converter v3.0\pcltool.exe" -pclcmd "\"-J@PJL SET PAPER=Letter\"" C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf
I tried that with the following. Didn't work....I am running PCL to PDF Converter Command Line version 2.0,
set path="C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.0\";%path%
pcltool.exe -pclcmd "\"-J@PJL SET PAPER=Letter\"" -append 2 -noempty -$ "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "L:\Customerdata\EXXON\STRIPES_INV\DUPLEX_TYPE2\*.pcl" "L:\Customerdata\EXXON\STRIPES_INV\DUPLEX_TYPE2\
This is the pcl file I am trying to convert.
No matter what I do, the properties of the pdf are 8.27 x 11.69 inch.
We have a PDF Page Resizer Command Line application, please download it from this URL to try,
after you download it, you can run following command line to convert any paper size PDF file to Letter paper size easily,
pdfresizer.exe -resizepaper "612x792" D:\downloads\test.pdf D:\downloads\out.pdf
We hope pdfresizer.exe application will work better for you, please download it to try.
Thank you for offering this solution. It works great!