VeryPDF has a PDF DRM Protection solution, this solution can be used to block unauthorized distribution of your PDF documents, you can use it to control what users can do for your PDF files and how long your PDF files can be used by your users.
You can use PDF DRM Protection solution to protect PDF files from unauthorized access:
* Disable view and print for your PDF files.
* Disable modify and copy contents of your PDF files.
* Disable save and share your PDF files.
* Disable print to file, PDF and image printers, etc. operations.
* Disable screenshots (stop printing screens and screen capture)
You can control following functions by VeryPDF PDF DRM Protection solution:
* When the PDF file can not be opened.
* When the PDF file can not be printed.
* When the PDF file be deleted automatically.
* Whether users can view protected PDF documents offline (offline mode) or only when connected to the Internet (online mode).
* How many times of this PDF file can be opened.
* How many times of this PDF file can be printed.
* Document expiration, expire PDF after a fixed date.
* Control and enable PDF expiration from server side.
You can lock PDF to a special device:
* Lock PDF documents to a specific computer, phone or tablet.
* Lock PDF documents to a USB disk.
* You can use VeryPDF Web PDF Viewer to view protected PDF documents in any operating system's browser, include Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.
You can test the demo version of "VeryPDF PDF DRM Protector" from this web page,
We are provide customized development service based on this "VeryPDF PDF DRM Protector", this will best meet your requirements, if you have any question for this software, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.