Some Questions to docPrint PDF Driver

Ignore my prior Emails.  Here are my questions and then I'll be ready to purchase shortly:

I have successfully gotten this to work but I have some more questions:

1.  How can I know when a document is done printing and the PDF has been created?  I'm going to want to rename it but I need to know when it is done printing.  Code continues even if I issue a DOEVENTS because it's being sent to the print spooler I think.

2.  Is there a way to set these values without modifying the registry?  I'm wondering what happens on Vista or Windows 7 if the User Access Control is turned on.  Is there a way to modify these HKEY_CURRENT_USER printer settings in a file and have the Very PDF printer use defaults from a file instead of the registry?

3.  How will my client's Very PDF printer know it is not a Trial or does this happen automatically when my program with the SDK registers the printer on their workstation?

4.  If I purchase the SDK then am I able to redistribute to unlimited number of client workstations?

5.  In addition to the four questions below, is there a Help file or documentation on all the registry items or features for the SDK?

6.  How would I use this command and is there documentation or help file for properties and methods:   docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")

7.  I noticed when printing that there's a dialog displayed on the screen showing what page is currently being printed to the PDF printer.  Is there a way to not display this?

8.  Can you provide me the information as to what files I copy to my client test machines which I would provide to clients of mine for the Doc Pro?  I want to test this on my Vista and Windows 7 workstations.

Once I have figured all this out I'm going to buy this SDK and I'll then want to inquire on another one you may have for another project.

Thank you again.
>>1.  How can I know when a document is done printing and the PDF has been created?
>>I'm going to want to rename it but I need to know when it is done printing.  Code
>>continues even if I issue a DOEVENTS because it's being sent to the print spooler I think.

You can check the value of "PrintingStatus" in registry,


Please refer to the meaning of "PrintingStatus" item at below,

//a. PrintingStatus = 0, idle flag, you can print the document now
//b. PrintingStatus = 1, a document is printing
//c. PrintingStatus = 2, a document is printed successfully (Set after a PDF file is generated successfully)
//d. PrintingStatus = 3, a document failed to be printed. (Error condition, Detailed error message should be written in MessageLog)

After you sent a document to docPrint PDF Driver, you can check the value of " PrintingStatus " in a loop, after " PrintingStatus " is not equal to 1, it is indicate conversion be done completely.

>>2.  Is there a way to set these values without modifying the registry?  I'm wondering >>what happens on Vista or Windows 7 if the User Access Control is turned on.  Is
>>there a way to modify these HKEY_CURRENT_USER printer settings in a file and
>>have the Very PDF printer use defaults from a file instead of the registry?

The current version of docPrint Pro v5.0 is not support configuration file yet, however, it can be done easily to use disk file to instead of registry, after you purchased the product, please email to your Order ID, we will create a new version of docPrint Pro product to you free, we will use disk file to instead of registry in the new version, we hoping this solution will okay to you.

>>3.  How will my client's Very PDF printer know it is not a Trial or does this happen automatically when my program with the SDK registers the printer on their workstation?

After you purchased docPrint SDK product, you will get a license key, please set the license key to " RegisterNO " in registry, docPrint Pro will be registered automatically,

RegisterNO="Your License Key"

After we use disk file to instead of registry, you can set the license key value into disk file properly too.

>>4.  If I purchase the SDK then am I able to redistribute to unlimited number of client workstations?

Yes, you are right.

>>5.  In addition to the four questions below, is there a Help file or documentation on all the registry items or features for the SDK?

We haven't a Help file or documentation for all registry items at the moment, we will prepare a document for all registry items shortly, I will send this document to you as soon as it available. In the meantime, if you have any question for the registry items, please feel free to let me know, I will explain it to you asap.

>>6.  How would I use this command and is there documentation or help file for properties and methods:   docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")

You can use docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint") from ASP or VB or VB code, please refer to following sample VB code,

Dim sourcePath,destinationPath,exeApp,strCmd,strFolder

sourcePath = ""
strURL = InputBox("Input a URL or a filename for conversion:", "docPrint Pro", sourcePath)
If strURL = "" Then
sourcePath = strURL
End if

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

destiantionPath = strFolder & "\verypdf.pdf"

strCmd = " -i """ & sourcePath & """ -o """ & destiantionPath & """ -* XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

MsgBox strCmd

Set docPrint = CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")
nRet = docPrint.docPrintCOM_Register("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " Company")
nRet = docPrint.RunCmd(strCmd, 0)
'MsgBox "Return value = " & Str(nRet)

>>7.  I noticed when printing that there's a dialog displayed on the screen showing
>>what page is currently being printed to the PDF printer.  Is there a way to not display this?

This printing dialog is not shown in our product, it is maybe shown by your XXXX ActiveX control, you need hide this printing dialog from your XXXX ActiveX control.

>>8.  Can you provide me the information as to what files I copy to my client test >>machines which I would provide to clients of mine for the Doc Pro?  I want to test this >>on my Vista and Windows 7 workstations.

You can copy all files in the "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver" folder and its sub-folders to client's machine.

You can use following solution to Install/Uninstall docPrnt PDF Driver programmatically,

Please go to "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\psdriver" folder, you can run "setup.exe" and "unpdf.exe" to install and uninstall docPrint PDF Driver.


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One Reply to “Some Questions to docPrint PDF Driver”

  1. You can by following steps to print documents to PDFcamp Printer and create PDF files programmatically.

    Step 1. Rename “PDFcamp Printer” to “PDFcamp Printer Driver” first,
    Step 2. Set output filename to registry,

    [Type is: “REG_SZ”] AutomaticDirectory=C:\out.pdf
    [Type is: “REG_DWORD”] AutomaticOutput=1
    [Type is: “REG_DWORD”] AutomaticValue=2
    [Type is: “REG_DWORD”] AutoView=0

    You need use local path to instead of UNC path.

    Step 3. Print a document to “PDFcamp Printer Driver”,
    Step 4. Wait until PDF file be created completely,

    You can check “PrintingStatus” value in registry in a loop,


    a. PrintingStatus = 0, idle flag, you can print the document now
    b. PrintingStatus = 1, a document is printing
    c. PrintingStatus = 2, a document is printed successfully (Set after a PDF file is generated successfully)
    d. PrintingStatus = 3, a document failed to be printed. (Error condition, Detailed error message should be written in MessageLog)

    Step 5. After “PrintingStatus” be changed to 2 or 3, you can go to step #2 to print next document again,

    Step 6. OK, you have convert all documents to PDF files now.

    You can use above steps to convert all of your documents to PDF files programmatically.

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