Hi there,
We are again running into issue with stamping large files with your latest tool. Downloaded from the link in your earlier e-mail below.
In our VB6.0 code we are converting the source PDF using PDFTools_ConvertPDFToNewPDFFile() method call and then stamping each page in the PDF with some data.
When we test this functionality with very large PDF files, it appears to be converting the file fine but when we try to open the converted file using veryOpen() method call it does not open just returns a negative return code. Our customer has reported this with about 700 MB PDF file.
This is an issue in their production environment so needs to be fixed ASAP. Please let us know if you have any solution or an updated version that we can use.
I think my Gold Support and order id are in the subject above.
Please let me know how can we resolve the issue. Unfortunately we cannot send you the PDF file we are testing with since it’s a very sensitive date from our customer and we don’t have access to it.
So if you can give us an updated version that can create some sort of diagnostic logs or some way to let us know why is it failing to open the file that would be great!.
Please let me know if it is possible for you to provide an update.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you, veryOpen() method does load PDF file into memory completely, for a 700MB PDF file, it is need about 1000MB ~ 1400MB memory for stamping, this is indeed a huge memory amount, it may cause memory overflow problem. Is it possible for you to break this large PDF file into smaller PDF files before stamping? You can split this large PDF file to some smaller PDF files at 100MB per PDF file, if so, you can use veryOpen() function to stamp these 100MB PDF files without any problem.
We have enough memory to load it even at 1400 MB but the open does now tell it why it can not open it.
That is the largest size we need to open and it is a requirement. We don't have time to break the pdfs up and put them back together again.
The customer wants to open it as one file. Their production system can't process these files and they are quite upset.
What can you do to give us some diagnostics to see what is going wrong?
Would it be possible for you to create a 64-bit set of pdfstamp libraries? That would get around the memory restrictions?
If we can't fix this we will be forced to use another product.
Create 64-bit set of pdfstamp libraries is good solution, we will create 64-bit set of pdfstamp libraries in the future.
In the meantime, are you using PDFStamp SDK v2.5 version? If yes, please look at "example_for_vc_unicode" folder in the pdfstamp_sdk_v2.5.zip package, you can use this example to add stamp to your 700MB PDF file,
//Register PDFStamp SDK with your License Key
id = PDFStampOpen(szPDFFile);
if (id > 0)
for(int i = 1; i <= PDFStampGetPageCount(id); i++)
if(PDFStampEditPage(id,i) == 1)
long nFont = PDFStampSetFontA(id, "Arial Unicode MS", 0, 12, 1, 39);
PDFStampSetFillColor(id, 0x000000FF);
double dbTextLen = PDFStampGetTextWidthExW(id, (unsigned short *)lpData, nLength/2);
BOOL bRet = PDFStampWriteTextExW(id, 100, 200, (unsigned short *)lpData, nLength/2);
PDFStampClose(id, szOutFile);
The following functions are new series functions for PDF Stamping, we hoping thise functions will able to stamp your large PDF files properly, you may use them to instead of current stamping functions to try,