Barcode text not shown if "Free 3 of 9" TrueType font not installed

thanks for your suggestions..

We have note that the barcode affixed on the PDF file is in "Text" format.

In fact if we open the output pdf file on the pc where is installed the font "Free 3 of 9" we can see the barcode correctly.

If we open the output pdf file on another pc (where this font is not installed) we can't see the barcode (nothing appears)

Is it possible to affix the barcode as Image instead of text ? (So it is always shows on the PDF preview, not only on the pc where the font is installed).

I hope you can understand the problem..

This would be the solution for us

You need add "-embedfont " parameter to embed "Free 3 of 9" barcode font into PDF file, please refer to following command line,

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "pdftest.pdf" -o "test-pdftest-barcode.pdf" -at 1234567890 -ft "Free 3 of 9" -embedfont

after you embed the barcode font into PDF file, you can view the barcode text on any system even if no "Free 3 of 9" font installed.



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Barcode text not shown if "Free 3 of 9" TrueType font not installed, 6.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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