I did send you an untouched pdf.
Most important is the front/first page with boonbook.com and the Download free books as shown underneath.
I have also seen your test version but the most important text to be removed is still there:
1st page/ front page > XXXXXXXX.com > to be removed
under the picture of the lion > Download free books at XXXXXXXX.com > to be removed
So, how do we get this removed permanently?? And why is this appearing For Evaluation Only.
Copyright (c) by VeryPDF.com Inc
Edited by VeryPDF PDF Editor Version 2.6
It does appear on some pages, not on all pages!
You can use PDF Password Remover to remove security settings from your PDF file first, open decrypted PDF file in PDF Editor, click “Edit Comment” button, drag a white color filled rectangle on XXXXXXXX.com text string, we hoping this solution will useful to you, please look at following screenshot,
Also, after you purchased PDF Editor product, the demo watermark will be removed from your modified PDF file.