When you convert the document of rtf to image file, you can set color depth for the target file at the same time if you use the command line application Document Converter as your helper. The command line application is a really powerful application which can be used to convert any printable documents to image formats. If you are a software developer, you can also redistribute or embed it within your developed applications.
Document Converter is consisted of three applications which are designed for different people for realizing different purposes. The first one is the command line application which is the leading role in this article. The second one is the GUI application which is good at batch conversion. The third one is the virtual printer application which can play as a Windows printer also a document converter.
Before using the command line application, you need to download it at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe to get the free trial version. After that, you can buy the product at https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprintpro.html for your further using.
At the beginning of the conversion from rtf to image, you need to open the conversion platform—MS-DOS interface for inputting the command line. You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button. To open “Run” dialog box, you can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard.
Then please input the command line in opened MS-DOS interface. You can refer to the following sample to write your own command line and set color depth for the target file at the same time.
doc2pdf –b –i C:\input-file.rtf –o C:\output-file.bmp
(NOTE: BMP is the example of output image.)
For your better understanding the command line, you can see the following example:
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" –b 1 -i "C:\input-file.rtf" -o C:\output-file.bmp
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of the called program which is the executable file doc2pdf.exe locating in installation directory.
–b 1 is for setting color depth for target image as 1-bit.
You can also change the value as 8 or 24 if you need.
"C:\input-file.rtf" following behind –i is the path of source file.
C:\output-file.bmp following behind –o is the path of target file.
Then please click “Enter” button to run the conversion from rtf to image. If you want to see more information about Document Converter, please visit its homepage at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html.