I am evaluating PDF Stitch for Mac, trial version.
I have two PDF pages, 8.5" by 11" and a third page that is 6" by 11".
I desire to stitch them together, horizontally, for a total combined page size of 23" W by 11" H.
I have tried 4 times without accomplishing this task.
What am I missing and failing to do?
If this works, I have a larger task to accomplish in which I would purchase the software to complete the task.
Please look at following PDF file, this PDF file was Stitched by PDF Stitch Command Line application, we hoping this PDF file will useful to you,
We are get this stitched PDF file by following steps,
1. Use VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge Command Line software to combine three PDF files into one single PDF file,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge v3.0\pdfpg.exe" D:\downloads\20140825_pg_01.pdf D:\downloads\20140825_pg_02.pdf D:\downloads\20140825_pg_03.pdf D:\downloads\20140825.pdf
2. Use Advanced PDF Tools Command Line to resize all pages in this PDF file to Letter paper size,
pdftools.exe -x " 0 0 612.0 792.0" -j "612.0 792.0 true" D:\downloads\20140825.pdf D:\downloads\20140825.pdf
If you are using Advanced PDF Tools GUI version, you can choose following options to scale all PDF pages to fit to Letter paper size,
3. Use PDF Stitch Command Line application to stitch this three PDF pages into one single PDF page,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryPDF PDF Stitch v2.1\pdfstitch.exe" -per "3*1" D:\downloads\_20140825.pdf D:\downloads\1_20140825.pdf
OK, we will get a final stitched PDF file.
Please notice, because your original PDF files are not aligned at horizontal direction, so the stitched PDF file has a bit of misplaced, this is normal, the matched PDF files will be stitched perfectly.
See Also: