The different usage about snapshot function by use of verypdf pdf editor

The “snapshot” function help you extract some content or something instrumental to you in a pdf file.

There are two kinds of usage as much as I know, the first one is after the snapshot to open Clipboard window where the content you have snapshot is waiting for you. The second is after the snapshot to press “Ctrl+ V” in a specific window, then the content is pasted there.

Usage 1: Open the software of “verypdf pdf editor”, add a pdf file in which there are some content you need. Then make the “snapshot” function active through clicking “View” icon, commonly as default, the “snapshot” function can be used directly. Click the “snapshot” icon and then enclose the content in the pdf file with the cursor. Look at the illustration below:

The different usage about snapshot function by use of verypdf pdf editor

make the “snapshot” icon active

The different usage about snapshot function by use of verypdf pdf editor

enclose the area that you need and click “OK”

After these operation, run the Clipboard window, the way is below:

Start>Run>enter “clipbrd”>click “OK”

then the clipboard window pops out, below is the illustration:

The different usage about snapshot function by use of verypdf pdf editor

Usage 2: as same as Usage 1 that enclose the content at the beginning, by then you needn’t run the Clipboard but find a specific software and open it, here I take the “Paint” software as an example, the software is installed in every computer in advance. After opening the “Paint” software, press the key in the keyboard, look at below:


then the content is pasted there, below is the illustration:

The different usage about snapshot function by use of verypdf pdf editor

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