VeryPDF PDF Editor can be used as PDF Annotating tool. As it is known to all that a PDF is a document that can be passed back and forth between users for documentation and review. This file format can preserve the visual appearance of a document, including layout, fonts, and graphics, and allows one to add comments directly on the electronic file. By this feature, we can excape from pring PDF again and again for back and forth reviewing.
This function is not a big deal, so if software with annotation is expensive, maybe it is not a wise choice to choose that kind of software. Why not try VeryPDF PDF Editor, which only sells at $89.95 for life long use. If you are interested in this topic, please read the following content.
Step 1. Down and Install
- Download PDF Editor to your computer. As this is GUI version software, you need to install it. If downloading ends, there will be an exe file. Please double click the exe to install it following installation message.
- Once installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click it then you can launch this software.
Step 2. Annotate PDF
- Please launch this software and add PDF file to it. Adding PDF file can be done by clicking button Open or File then to to Open. Or you can simply drag file from its container to software interface. For understanding this software easily, please refering the following snapshot.
- As we need to annotate PDF, please click button Edit Comment
then you will find the commnent icon on the tool bar goes to fresh from grey. Please check details in the following snapshot. Click the comment icon then you can add comment freely.
- When you click the comment icon then there will be an comment read icon showed on the PDF content. You can move it casully from the produced place to the place where you need to annotate PDF. The following snapshot illustrating this step.
- You can add annotations as many as you need. After adding icon, please double click this icon then you can add comment content in the Note-Adminstrator dialogue box. After adding, those annotations will be saved automatically.
- If annotations were added by mistake, please double click it and choose delete option like I did in the following snapshot. When you need to edit comment icon and color, please go to Properties option.
- The Properties option shows like the following snapshot. Here you can set comment icon appearance, color, opacity and general information. After setting simply close it.
Step 3. Save Annotated PDF
- When you finish to annotate PDF, please do not forget to save it. Click File option then go to Save. If you need to save it to a new one, please go to option Save as then you will get a new PDF file.
- Please note that this step is necessary or else the annotatation can not be done successfully.
Now let us check the annotated PDF from the following snapshot. If you need to add annotations like this, please use this software. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.