Well if you want to convert DOC to grayscale image via command line, you can try the command line version of VeryPDF Document Converter, which also has a name docPrint Pro. When you visit the home page of VeryPDF Document Converter, you will find it has more than one version. You need to select the command line version, depending on your needs. Or you can just click Download here to get the 50-time trial version.
When you use docPrint Pro to convert DOC to image via a command line, you can add an option to that command line to generate a grayscale image from DOC. The option is –y, which can help you create 8-bit grayscale image file directly without requiring you to set parameter values.
You can do as follows to convert doc to grayscale image via command line:
First, install docPrint Pro on your computer after you download it.
Second, open the command prompt window where you are going to type a command line in the third steps. In Windows XP, people always open the command prompt window by clicking the Start button at the left end of the task bar. > When the Home menu appears, click Run to open the Run dialog box.> In the Run dialog box first type cmd, and then click OK.
Third, as the command prompt window appears on the screen, you should type a command line in it and then press Enter on your keyboard. The following are the basic usage and some examples that might be helpful. You should take a look at them before you type a proper command line.
Basic usage: doc2pdf -y <-i input file> [-o output file]
- Convert a single DOC to a grayscale image file—"C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -y -i C:\in.doc -o D:\out.gif
- Convert multiple DOC to grayscale image files—"C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -y -i C:\*.doc -o D:\*.gif
There are the three steps you need to take to convert DOC to grayscale image via command line. Do you know how to do it now? Good, you can try to use docPrint Pro to covnert DOC to more image file formats. If you want to ask any question, please leave a message.