If you need to stamp PDF document with image, please have a try of the application VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line because it has the ability to add PDF stamp with image with different formats, position, size, etc. parameters. Please go on reading this article to get more useful information.
The command line application PDF Stamp Command Line is MS-DOS oriented. So when you use it, please open MS-DOS interface for inputting commands. In order to use this application, please free download VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line at first. Then please extract the ZIP file to local disk. There is a PDF document in the unzipped folder and it is the user manual of this application. There is an executable file named as pdfstamp.exe in example file folder and it is the called program in the whole process.
The command template that you need to refer to is the following one:
pdfstamp.exe –PDF <input.pdf> –o <output.pdf> [options]
To add image stamp to PDF document, you need to use the option –AI. You can also use other options to change image position, rotation angle, offset, etc.
-Hn and –Wn are to set image size scale percentage.
-Pn is to set image stamp position.
-MLRn and –MTBn are to move image from current posistion.
-R is to rotate image stamp.
There is an example for your reference:
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "13.pdf" -AI
"logo.jpg" -p9 -r225 -mlr70 -mtb-70
This example stamp the PDF document “example.pdf” with the image “logo.jpg” and generate a stamped PDF named as “13.pdf”. The position of this image is set by the option –p9 which means on the center of the page. The rotation angle of the image stamp is 225 degree. The image is offset from current position to left and bottom by both 70 points.
More options and information about how to use the application are in the user manual of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line.
If you need to know more details about this application, please visit the homepage of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line.
In order to use the free trial version of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line, please click the following button.