How to call HTML Converter Command Line Server License (htmltools.exe) from ASP code to convert RTF file to PDF file?

La sentencia de conversion que utilizo en ASP es la sugerida en la documentacion asi:

Dim LVAR_HTMLConverter

' Convierte el archivo RTF a formato PDF (Metodo de invocacion con objeto de servidor)
Set LVAR_HTMLConverter = server.CreateObject("HtmlShell.HtmlShell")
'HTMLConverter.HTMLConverter "", "C:/out.pdf", ""
Call LVAR_HTMLConverter.HTMLConverter(par_urloarchivodeorigen, par_archivodedestino, "-margin 50x30x0x20 -imgfilter 1 -quality 100")
Set LVAR_HTMLConverter = Nothing

Hi all, no problem

We yet buy the license for "VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line" and now we have problems with PDF converted files.

Attached i send a file PDF of output.

PD: Next post file RTF for input.

Our server is (clean installation):
* Windows Server Standard 2008

Thanks and regards.
We have tried following command line on your system, it does convert your RTF file to PDF file, the output PDF file looks better, can you please login your system to run this command line and check output PDF file?

C:\Users\Administrador.COLFLOW>"C:\htmltools\htmltools.exe" C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.rtf C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.pdf
Thank you for choosing our product.
Conversion time = 421ms
C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.rtf ==> C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.pdf, result=
TickCount = 421ms(0.42s), Result = 1


Hi All

Thanks for your response, but the problem for us is not via command line,
our problem is via ASP. Below is the code i used to convert the files.

Dim LVAR_HTMLConverter

' Converts RTF file to PDF format (Method with server object)
Set LVAR_HTMLConverter = server.CreateObject("HtmlShell.HtmlShell")

Call LVAR_HTMLConverter.HTMLConverter(par_urloarchivodeorigen,
par_archivodedestino, "-margin 50x30x0x20 -imgfilter 1 -quality 100")

Set LVAR_HTMLConverter = Nothing

Let me know any other probe you need to do or how can i help for this.

Thanks and best regards.
We have created a test ASP file for you, please open following URL in IE to try again,

this test.asp file is contain following code,


dim WSH,script
script = "C:\htmltools\htmltools.exe C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.rtf C:\htmltools\PA_04445_factura.pdf"
Response.Write script

Set WSH=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set WSH =nothing


You can use above ASP code to convert RTF file to PDF file without any problem in your system.

Please test it in your system.


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How to call HTML Converter Command Line Server License (htmltools.exe) from ASP code to convert RTF file to PDF file?, 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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