Sometime it may be a little time-consuming to open PDF files one by one for checking. If we can merge all files into one, then we can use PDF easily no matter for reading, printing or checking. VeryPDF PDF Toolbox in a Windows command line application, which can be used to merge PDF files by command line in batch automatically. In the following part, I will show you how to use this function.
Step 1. Get One Copy PDF Toolbox
- PDF Toolbox was designed by VeryPDF software company, which also can be used to split PDF, add password to PDF, overlay PDF and so one. Meanwhile there are three versions of this software: Mac, Linux and Windows. Please download the right version in Try and Buy tab according to your computer system.
- Once downloading finishes, there will be an zip file. Please extract it to some folder then find executable file in bin sub folder.
Step 2. Merge PDF by Folder or Directory Automatically
Usage: pdftoolbox <input files> [options] <-outfile output >
- When you need to merge files by folder or directory, please refer to the following command line template.
pdftoolbox D:\ *.pdf -merge -outfile _mergeall_out.pdf
pdftoolbox C:\Documents and Settings\ *.pdf -merge -outfile _mergeall_out.pdf
You can write bat file or use wild character * to fulfill automatically batch conversion. By this method, you can do the conversion from remote control. And by the first example, you can merge all PDF files in D directory into one. By the second example, you can merge all PDF files in C:\Documents and Settings\ into one PDF file.
- There are more options about merge PDF files. Please check the following parameter options:
-merge : merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file. You can use handles and handle arguments to specify page ranges, rotate pages, change order when merge PDF.
odd : the odd-numbered PDF pages, e.g., A odd is to take odd pages in file A.
even: the even-numbered PDF pages.
end : the last page of a file, e.g., A1-end is the same as A.
E : rotate 90 degrees, e.g., A4-9E is to rotate the pages 4-9 of file A by 90 degrees.
S : rotate 180 degrees.
W : rotate 270 degrees.
N : rotate 0 degree.
L : rotate counterclockwise.
R : rotate clockwise.
-crossmerge : the same as -merge except that -crossmerge takes one page
All those functions are available when you need to do batch conversion using wild character or bat file. By this function, all the conversion can be done systematically and automatically. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.