How to use C# .NET to open a PDF form, pre-fill (or populate) the on-screen form, and make edits (text, checkboxes, etc.) to the online form, then have a SUBMIT button on each page to save the edits back to the database?

Can your products do the following:

Take a fillable pdf (eg., )

allow us to use that form, and map the fields to a remote SQL Server database - or convert the pdf to an online form and map the fields to a remote SQL Server database.

allow me to open my application, select one of the forms, pre-fill (or populate) the on-screen form, and make edits (text, checkboxes, etc.) to the online form; then have a SUBMIT button on each page to save the edits back to the database.

If so, will the dynamic bar code (PDF417, as in the example above of the G-28 form) remain (a.) visible and (b.) dynamic as data is entered into the fields or edits made to the data in the fields.

We will be using .net

If yes to the above, which products will we need?

Thank you very much.
Thanks for your message, we understand your meaning, we have already released a HTML5 PDF Form Filler, you may test it from following web page,

HTML5 PDF Form Filler Screenshot,

HTML5 PDF Form Filler is an online solution to fill the PDF forms on the web, however, if you need a desktop solution or offline solution, you may download and test our "PDF Form Filler OCX Component", you can use it to fill the PDF forms on your local system and without internet connection,

"PDF Form Filler OCX Component" Screenshot,

"HTML5 PDF Form Filler" and "PDF Form Filler OCX Component" are two different solutions, you may choose either one according your requirements.

btw, PDF Form Filler OCX Component can be called from C# and .NET program languages.

You can use these products to pre-fill (or populate) forms, fill the forms, and click "submit" button to submit filled data to the database.

The dynamic barcode can be supported too, if you encounter a PDF file which not supported by our product, please feel free send that PDF file to us, we will check your PDF file and figure out a solution to you asap.


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