registration of newer (eg. ) htmltools.exe command line versions fails on Windows 2008R2. Older (eg 2.0.xx) versions does work.
I'm calling "htmltools.exe -$ ourkey". The help still says to use -$ for activation.
Has anything been changed or is this a Windows2008 issue?
By the way: the page https://www.verypdf.com/htmltools/index.html# only mention support for Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista platforms.
Is this still the case?
Our htmltools.exe does support Windows2008 system, that's no problem.
Please launch a CMD window by administrator privilege, run following command line in this CMD winodw, you will able to register it properly,
htmltools.exe -$ ourkey
if your CMD window hasn't administrator privilege, the registration process may fail.