How to extract Spanish text from scanned PDF to XLS

If you want to extract Spanish text from scanned PDF to XLS format file, you can choose the application VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter as your tool. This application can be used to recognize six kinds of languages from your scanned PDF documents with the help of Optical Character Recognition technology.

For using the application PDF to Excel OCR Converter, please download it from its homepage where you can get the free evaluation version of the application. You can also choose to purchase the application after you try it. Please install PDF to Excel OCR Converter on your computer and if you need, you can create a desktop icon for the application so that you can use it freely anytime.

When you start the conversion from scanned PDF to XLS, you need to open the application. Please double click the icon of the application or right click it and click “Open” option in popup dropdown list. You can also click “Start”—“All Programs”—“VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter v2.0”—“VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter v2.0”. If you remember the installation of the application, please open it and double click the executable file winpdf2excel.exe.

In the opened user interface of PDF to Excel OCR Converter, you need to add scanned Spanish PDF document into the file list. Please see the interface of the application in Figure 1. Please click “Add PDF File (s)” button or right click the file list and click “Add files” option in floating item to open file picker window from which you can choose the Spanish PDF document. The most convenient way is to drag the file you need into the file list.

convert scanned PDF to XLS in PDF to Excel OCR Converter

                                                                      Figure 1

Then you need to set parameters for the target file. In top right dropdown list, you need to choose the sixth option: OCR PDF File (Language: Spanish). In “Output Options” group box, please choose a suitable output layout for your target file. In “Output Formats” group box, choose “MS Excel 97-2003 format (XLS)” option. In “Page Range” group box, you can select to convert all pages or several pages of input PDF document by checking “All Pages” or “Select Range” option.

Then you need to click “Convert” button to open “Save as” dialog box in which you can specify the location for the target file and input a new name for the target file in “Save in” dropdown list and “File name” edit box. Then please click “Save” button to run the conversion from scanned PDF to XLS.

So those are all the operations about the this conversion. By the same way, you can also convert five other kinds of languages scanned PDF document to XLS file with the application VeryPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter.

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